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> An Introduction to International Relations

An Introduction to International Relations


Edited by Richard Devetak, University of Queensland, Jim George, Australian National University, Canberra, Sarah Percy, University of Queensland
Published 2017


An Introduction to International Relations is a comprehensive introduction to the history,theories, developments and debates that shape the dynamic discipline of international relations and contemporary world politics. Bringing together an expert author team comprising leading academics from Australia and around the world, it allows readers to explore the discipline from both Australian and global perspectives. Known for its clear, easy-to-read style and relevant, real-world examples, the text has been fully updated and revised to reflect current research and the changing…

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Key features

  • A comprehensive introduction to the history, theories, developments and debates that shape the dynamic discipline of international relations and contemporary world politics written by a local editorial team with international contributions
  • This third edition is completely revised and updated with new internal structure that presents and improved logical flow of topics
  • New case studies in the text and on the website enhance debate and students' critical thinking skills
  • New chapters on international law, terrorism and globalisation reflect recent changes and current priorities

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