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> Health and Physical Education

Health and Physical Education Preparing Educators for the Future


Judith Miller, University of New England, Australia, Susan Wilson-Gahan, University of Southern Queensland, Robyne Garrett, University of South Australia, John Haynes, University of New England, Australia
Published 2022


Health and Physical Education provides readers with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to successfully teach health and physical education in Australia. With emphasis on the development of movement competence and health literacy from the early years to secondary, this book brings together research, theory, curriculum and pedagogy in an engaging introduction for pre-service teachers. Now in its fourth edition, Health and Physical Education has been thoroughly updated, and features a new chapter covering ethics, morals the and duty of…

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Key features

  • Provides a comprehensive overview of the theoretical underpinnings, knowledge and practical skills required to successfully teach health and physical education in Australia
  • Emphasises the importance of the development of movement competence and health literacy
  • Brings together research, curriculum and pedagogy in the field

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