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> Pragmatics in English

Pragmatics in English An Introduction


Kate Scott, Kingston University, London
Published 2022


Pragmatics – the study of language in context, and of how we understand what other people say – is a core subject in English language, linguistics, and communication studies. This textbook introduces the key topics in this fast-moving field, including metaphor, irony, politeness, disambiguation, and reference assignment. It walks the reader through the essential theories in pragmatics, including Grice, relevance theory, speech act theory, and politeness theory. Each chapter includes a range of illustrative examples, guiding readers from the basic…

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Key features

  • Illustrates complex topics and concepts for students through a range of examples included in each chapter, and supported by a glossary of terms for reference
  • Supports instructors' teaching by providing tried and tested exercises and questions in each chapter that reinforce students' understanding
  • Guides students in their project work through a dedicated chapter on researching pragmatics, including tips on choosing a project topic

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