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> Republic at Risk

Republic at Risk An Introduction to American Politics


Walter J. Stone, University of California, Davis, James A. McCann, Purdue University, Indiana
Published 2021


When people have the freedom to further their own personal interests in politics, the results may be disastrous. Chaos? Tyranny? Can a political system be set up to avoid these pitfalls, while still granting citizens and politicians the freedom to pursue their interests? Republic at Risk is a concise and engaging introduction to American politics. The guiding theme is the problem of self-interest in politics, which James Madison took as his starting point in his defense of representative government in…

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Key features

  • This text is brief and can be used by itself or paired with other readings
  • Provides an overarching narrative and analytic framework to engage readers and aid student comprehension and memory
  • Teaches students how to apply theory and evidence by demonstrating how claims about political processes and outcomes can be modeled and rigorously assessed
  • It introduces students to contemporary theoretical debates about representation and democracy

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