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ESV Bible editions
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The KJV Concord setting dates from the 1950s and is highly regarded for its accuracy and clarity. The main text uses the Times Semi-bold typeface, exceptionally clear and easy to read, with generous line spacing. It features pronunciation marks for unusual names. There are six family record pages and a range of study aids, including a glossary, concordance, dictionary and 15 colour maps.
Features of edition:
- India paper
- black- or red-letter text
- Cambridge bold-figure cross-reference system
- pronunciation marks
- Translators’ Preface
- glossary
- concordance
- black- or red-letter text
- dictionary
- 15 colour maps and gazetteer
- presentation page and 6 family record pages
- two ribbon markers
- gilt or art-gilt edges
- thumb index (where stated)
A personal favorite. With its superb combination of size and legibility, the Concord is an excellent choice for anyone seeking a classic reference King James Bible.SKY CLINE,What we do
- Academic Research, Teaching and Learning
- English Language Learning
- English Language Assessment
- International Education
- Educational resources for schools
- Educational Research & Network
- Bibles
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- Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing
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