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ESV Bible editions
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Cambridge's first Pitt Minion Bibles were published in the 1930s. They pioneered a typeface designed by Stanley Morison, typographical consultant to Cambridge University Press and to The Times newspaper. He well understood the need for Bibles to be printed in type that was legible, yet not so large as to make the finished book unwieldy.
Getting this balance right is just as important today: our modern Pitt Minion Bibles take their inspiration from the original edition and are greatly admired around the world for being compact and portable, yet still easy to read. They use a digital font that is compact enough for large texts such as dictionaries and encyclopaedias, but which also exhibits the elegance of traditional Bible typefaces.The text is presented in paragraph style and is supported by a Reader's Companion (combining the features of a concordance and dictionary) and 15 colour maps.
- completely new setting
- paragraph format
- choice of black or red letter text
Other Pitt Minion Bibles
- ESV http://www.cambridge.org/bibles/bible-versions/english-standard-version/pitt-minion/
- NASB http://www.cambridge.org/bibles/bible-versions/new-american-standard-bible/pitt-minion/
- NKJV http://www.cambridge.org/bibles/bible-versions/new-king-james-version/pitt-minion/
- NLT http://www.cambridge.org/bibles/bible-versions/new-living-translation/pitt-minion/
- NIV http://www.cambridge.org/bibles/bible-versions/new-international-version/pitt-minion/
Features of edition:
- India paper
- black or red letter text
- cross-references
- 15 colour maps
- Reader’s Companion
- presentation page
- ribbon marker(s)
- gilt or art-gilt edges
Binding options
All featuredProduct filter button-
KJV Pitt Minion Reference Bible, Black Imitation Leather, KJ442:X2nd Edition
Bible BibleImitation leather
Out of PrintUnavailable - out of print June 2022UnavailableKJV Pitt Minion Reference Bible, Brown Calf Split Leather, Red-letter Text, KJ444:XR2nd Edition
Bible BibleLeather / fine binding
Out of PrintUnavailable - out of print December 2021Unavailable
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- Academic Research, Teaching and Learning
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- English Language Assessment
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- Bibles
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- Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing
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