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Glaciovolcanism on Earth and Mars
Products, Processes and Palaeoenvironmental Significance


  • Date Published: June 2016
  • availability: Available
  • format: Hardback
  • isbn: 9781107037397

£ 134.00

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About the Authors
  • The study of volcano-ice interactions, or 'glaciovolcanism', is a field experiencing exponential growth. This comprehensive volume presents a discussion of the distinctive processes and characteristics of glaciovolcanic eruptions, their products, and landforms, with reference to both terrestrial and Mars occurrences. Supported by abundant diagrams and photos from the authors' extensive collections, this book outlines where eruptions have occurred and will occur in the future on Earth, the resulting hazards that are unique to volcano-ice interactions, and how the deposits are used to unravel planetary palaeoclimatic histories. It has a practical focus on lithofacies, glaciovolcanic edifice morphometry and construction, and applications to palaeoenvironmental studies. Providing the first global summary of past and current work, this book also identifies those areas in need of further research, making this an ideal reference for academic researchers and postgraduate students, in the fields of volcanology, glaciology, planetary science and palaeoenvironmental studies.

    • Provides the first comprehensive glaciovolcanic lexicon of terminology and an extensive bibliography, allowing readers to quickly identify access points into the literature
    • Uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative descriptions of important physical and chemical processes, making it accessible to a broad range of readers
    • Outlines critical areas for future research, acting as a guide for student projects and to focus new research efforts
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    Reviews & endorsements

    'Providing the first global summary of past and current work, this book also identifies those areas in need of further research, making this an ideal reference for academic researchers and postgraduate students, in the fields of volcanology, glaciology, planetary science, and palaeoenvironmental studies.' Lunar and Planetary Information Bulletin

    'All earth scientists would enjoy a dip into this book. For those contemplating serious study or research in glaciovolcanism, the book should be studied from cover to cover - it will become the standard reference text for glaciovolcanism for the next few years at least.' Duncan Woodcock, Proceedings of the Open University Geological Society

    'This remarkable and detailed book synthesizes an extraordinary quantity of knowledge across different fields. The first chapters introduce the importance of glaciovolcanism, the various types of ice-volcano interactions that can occur and their occurrences around the world from Iceland to Antarctica. This section, like all those in the book, is richly supported by references, making this a valuable book for anyone with even vaguely related academic interests. This book is an extraordinary and very thorough survey of glaciovolcanism. It should be read by anyone with an interest in Earth system processes and the formation and evolution of other planets, and by those sitting in an airport lounge who want to do more than just ponder how a volcano can delay a flight.' C. Cockell, Antarctic Science

    'Glaciovolcanism on Earth and Mars: Products, Processes and Paleoenvironmental Significance is an excellent addition to an exciting field of research. It represents the first comprehensive textbook-style volume dedicated entirely to the study of glaciovolcanism and comes with impeccable timing as this area of research is currently experiencing rapid growth … The comprehensive collection of references is probably the greatest contribution of this book and is an invaluable resource for anyone working in the field. Inevitably, Glaciovolcanism on Earth and Mars: Products, Processes and Paleoenvironmental Significance will accelerate the rate of glaciovolcanic research, improve appropriate referencing, and encourage interdisciplinary and international collaborations.' Alexander M. Wilson, American Minerologist

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    Product details

    • Date Published: June 2016
    • format: Hardback
    • isbn: 9781107037397
    • length: 490 pages
    • dimensions: 253 x 180 x 27 mm
    • weight: 1.15kg
    • contains: 148 b/w illus. 25 colour illus. 15 maps 5 tables
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    1. Introduction
    2. Distribution of glaciovolcanism
    3. Observations of historical and recent glaciovolcanic eruptions
    4. Physical properties of ice important for glaciovolcanic eruptions
    5. Chemical and physical properties important to glaciovolcanic lavas
    6. Physics of glaciovolcanism
    7. Analytical studies of glaciovolcanic materials
    8. Landform classification and morphometry of glaciovolcanic centres
    9. Lithofacies in glaciovolcanic sequences
    10. Mafic glaciovolcanic sequences
    11. Intermediate-composition glaciovolcanic sequences
    12. Felsic glaciovolcanic sequences
    13. Glaciovolcanic sequences as palaeoenvironmental proxies
    14. Climate triggers for glaciovolcanism
    15. Hazards associated with glaciovolcanic eruptions
    16. Glaciovolcanism on Mars
    17. Outstanding challenges and possibilities
    Glossary: the terminology of glaciovolcanism

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    Glaciovolcanism on Earth and Mars

    John L. Smellie, Benjamin R. Edwards

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  • Authors

    John L. Smellie, University of Leicester
    John L. Smellie is a professor in the Department of Geology at the University of Leicester. He is the leading expert on Antarctic glaciovolcanism and has extensive experience working on Iceland's glaciovolcanoes. He is a prolific author, having produced over 190 publications, including 10 edited volumes. Professor Smellie is the co-founder and first Chair of the IAVCEI/IACS Commission on Volcano-Ice Interactions, and, in 2000, was co-convener of the first International Conference on Volcano-Ice Interactions on Earth and Mars. He has been awarded the Polar Medal, conferred by Her Majesty The Queen, is co-Chair of the SCAR (Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research) Expert group on Antarctic Volcanism, and has three geographical features in Antarctica named after him.

    Benjamin R. Edwards, Dickinson College, Pennsylvania
    Benjamin R. Edwards is an associate professor in the Department of Earth Sciences at Dickinson College, USA. He has over 24 years of field experience working in remote regions of British Columbia, Iceland, Alaska, Russia and South America on modern and ancient glaciovolcanoes, and is one of the leading researchers in the rapidly expanding field of large-scale experimental volcanology, specifically focused on lava-ice and lava-water interactions. Dr Edwards is also a co-founder of the IAVCEI/IACS Commission on Volcano-Ice Interactions, and has convened various special sessions on volcano-ice interactions at AGU, GSA, EGU, and IUGG international conferences.

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