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Les saints des derviches tourneurs

Les saints des derviches tourneurs
2 Volume Paperback Set

Part of Cambridge Library Collection - Religion

  • Date Published: January 2012
  • availability: Temporarily unavailable - available from TBC
  • format: Multiple copy pack
  • isbn: 9781108042345

Multiple copy pack

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About the Authors
  • Clément Huart (1854–1926) studied Middle Eastern languages and served as a French diplomat for twenty years before becoming Professor of Persian at the Ecole des Langues Orientales in Paris. This two-volume French translation (1918–22), published as part of a larger series on Islamic hagiography, focuses on the medieval founders of the Mevlevi order of whirling dervishes, whose main centre, Konya, Huart had visited twenty years earlier. The fourteenth-century Persian text is preserved in several manuscripts, and Huart's translation follows an early seventeenth-century manuscript from his private collection. Huart regards the text as providing evidence primarily about the intellectual and moral contexts of the origins of the dervishes' mystical movement rather than about strict historical facts, but also points to the relevance of its treatment of dreams, prophecies, apparitions and paranormal phenomena to modern researchers of hypnosis and psychosis. The translation is accompanied by explanatory notes.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: January 2012
    • format: Multiple copy pack
    • isbn: 9781108042345
    • length: 876 pages
    • dimensions: 215 x 140 x 50 mm
    • weight: 1.15kg
    • availability: Temporarily unavailable - available from TBC
  • Table of Contents

    Volume 1: Préface
    1. Biographie de notre grand Maître Béhâ-ed-dîn Mohammed, fils d'el-Hoséïn, fils d'Ahmed, el-Khatîbî, el-Balkhî, el-Bakrî
    2. Biographie du Seigneur connaisseur des mystères, Borhân el-Haqq wèd-dîn d'el-Hoséïn et-Tirmidî
    3. Sur certains détails de la biographie de notre Maître Djé-lâl-ed-dîn
    Biographie de Chems-ed-dîn Tébrîzî
    Notes additionnelles
    Table généalogique des Tchélébis de Qonya
    Index alphabétique. Volume 2: Préface
    3. (Suite). Biographie de Djélâl-ed-dîn Roûmi
    4. Biographie du sultan des pauvres, mystère de Dieu parmi les hommes, parfait en situation et en parole, notre Maître Chems-ed-dîn Mohammed ben 'Ali ben Mélek-dad et-Tébrîzi
    5. Biographie du Sultan des mystiques, Calâh-ed-dîn Féridoûn, fils de Yaghi-Siyan de Qonya, connu sous le nom de Zerkoûb (batteur d'or)
    6. Biographie de Hosâm-ed-dîn Hasan ben Mohammed ben Hasan ben Akhi-Turk, l'Abou-Yézîd [Bastâmi] de l'époque, le Djonéïd du temps, clef des trésors du Trône, Saint de Dieu sur la terre, intercesseur des amis au jour de la Grande Revue
    7. Biographie de notre Maître, le Sultan des mystiques, le lieu de la manifestation des mystères de la certitude, Béhâ-ed-dîn Wéled
    8. Biographie du souverain des mystiques, argument des clairvoyants, Pôle des Abdâl et des Autâd, Djélâl-ed-dîn Féridoûn, fils de Mohammed, fils de Mohammed, fils de Mohammed, le mystique de Balkh [Amir 'Abid]
    9. Biographie du Tchélebi Chems-ed-dîn Amir 'Arif
    10. Noms des enfants et des successeurs de notre grand Maître Béhâ-ed-dîn Wéled Balkhî

  • Editor and Translator

    Clément Huart

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