- ISBN:9781107070981
- Format:Hardback
- Subject(s):Latin
- Author(s):
- Available from: No date available
The world's bestselling introductory Latin course.
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×- Contents
- Stage 35. Rūs
- Stage 36. Recitātiō
- Stage 37. Cōnsilium
- Stage 38. Nūptiae
- Stage 39. Studia
- Stage 40. Iūdicium
- Stage 41. Bīthynia
- Stage 42. Carmina
- Stage 43. Ũnivira
- Stage 44. Daedalus et Īcarus
- Stage 45. Lesbia
- Stage 46. Clādēs
- Stage 47. Lūdī
- Stage 48. Nerō et Agrippīna
- Language Information: Part 1. About the Language
- Part 2. Literary Terms and Rhetorical Devices
- Part 3. Metrics
- Part 4. Vocabulary
- Index of cultural and literary topics
- Index of grammatical topics
- Time chart.
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