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- Business and Economics
- CAPE series
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- ISBN:9780521713856
- Format:Paperback
- Subject(s):Business and Economics
- Qualification:Caribbean
- Author(s):Peter Stimpson
- Available from: November 2007
A range of resources for CAPE has been specially developed to meet the requirements of the CAPE syllabus.
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This new textbook has been developed to match the requirements of the CAPE Management of Business syllabus. Full coverage of the CAPE syllabus is provided and the content has a clear focus on the Caribbean economic and business environment. A distinctive feature is the provision of examination-type questions at the end of each major section. The questions come with a suggested time limits for answering, giving useful practice in how to allocate time for the final examination. Management of Business for CAPE includes case studies from a variety of countries and industries, as well as an internal assessment component.
- Contents
- Author(s)
- UNIT 2: Applications in management: Major decisions in production and factors involved in production, Dimensions of and strategies for production planning, Quality - dimensions of and methods of improving it, Total quality management, Productivity, Marketing - the concept of marketing and the roles of marketing in society, Marketing management, Marketing research, Principles of segmentation, Product management, Pricing strategy, Distribution strategy, Promotion strategy, Consumer behaviour, The nature, characteristics and challenges of entrepreneurship, Skills required for small business mangement, Micro-and macro-environmental factors which affect small businesses, Assistance for small businesses.
Peter Stimpson
Peter Stimpson has over 30 years' experience in teaching Business Studies and Economics. He has been an examiner and also trains international teachers. He is the author of numerous Business and Management textbooks.
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