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- ISBN:9781108816670
- Format:Print/online bundle
- Subject(s):English as a Second Language
- Qualification:Cambridge Lower Secondary
- Author(s):Christopher Barker, Libby Mitchell
- Available from: February 2022
Discover our new resources for the Cambridge International Primary and Lower Secondary Curriculum Frameworks.
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With international cross-curricular topics, from responsible tourism and wellbeing to endangered species and social media, the series helps you develop the skills to study across the curriculum in English. Packed with literature and oracy activities, the course helps you become confident communicators. Step-by-step writing activities with models support you to develop your writing, while tip boxes help with language and skills. Each unit ends with a ‘Project Challenge’ where you will work together on cross-curricular projects like designing a technology timeline, developing collaboration and critical thinking skills.
- Contents
The ‘Getting started’ feature at the start of each session gets your learners thinking and talking about what they already know
Vocabulary boxes highlight important topic-specific words
‘Language detective’ provides clear, learner-friendly explanations of key grammar rules
‘Look what I can do’ and ‘Check your progress’ sections in each unit help your learners reflect on what they have learnt. Together with learning objectives and ‘Getting Started’ this delivers an Assessment for Learning approach.
Access video on Digital Classroom and find audio and answers in the teacher’s resource. You can also access audio in the Digital Learner’s Book
- Each unit is structured as follows:
- Unit Opener with learning objectives
- 1. Think About It with topic vocabulary, listening and video
- 2. Cross-Curricular lesson with academic vocabulary and Critical Thinking
- 3. Talk About It with oracy skills
- 4. Think About It with topic vocabulary and video
- 5. Cross-Curricular lesson with academic vocabulary and Critical Thinking
- 6. Talk About It with oracy skills 7. Write About It takes a process writing approach with models
- 8. Project Challenge develops 21st Century Skills
- 9. Read & Respond with international literature or poetry
- Check Your Progress and Summary Checklist for Assessment for Learning.
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