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- ISBN:9781108742856
- Format:Print/online bundle
- Subject(s):Science
- Qualification:Cambridge Lower Secondary
- Author(s):Mary Jones, Diane Fellowes-Freeman, Michael Smyth
- Available from: October 2021
Discover our new resources for the Cambridge International Primary and Lower Secondary Curriculum Frameworks
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These workbooks are full of activities to help you practise what you have learnt and encourage you to think and work scientifically. Focus, Practice and Challenge exercises provide clear progression so you can see what you have achieved. Your teacher may use them in the classroom, or to set your homework.
- Contents
Active learning opportunities help you apply your knowledge to new contexts
Three-tiered exercises in every topic help you see and track your own learning
Write-in for ease of use
Answers to all exercises can be found in the teacher’s resource
- 1. Cells
- 2. Materials and their structure
- 3. Forces and energy
- 4. Grouping and identifying organisms
- 5. Properties of materials
- 6. Earth Physics
- 7. Microorganisms in the environment
- 8. Changes to materials
- 9. Electricity.
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