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- ISBN:9781108785280
- Format:Print/online bundle
- Subject(s):Science
- Qualification:Cambridge Primary
- Author(s):Fiona Baxter, Liz Dilley
- Available from: No date available
Discover our new resources for the Cambridge International Primary and Lower Secondary Curriculum Frameworks
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With everything you need to plan and run your lessons, this teacher’s resource helps you get the most out of the series. You’ll find starter activities and additional lesson ideas not included in the students’ books, as well as answers to all the questions and exercises. There are language support suggestions, along with clearly identified assessment and differentiation ideas to help you meet all your learners’ needs. Includes access to worksheets with additional differentiation activities and further language development exercises in the accompanying digital resource.
- Contents
Guidance on the key teaching approaches and how to use them in your classroom
The ‘Background knowledge’ section gives you key information on each unit so you have the detail you need to teach confidently
The ‘Teaching skills focus’ helps you develop your own teaching style and bring active learning, assessment for learning and differentiation into your classroom with confidence
‘Common misconceptions’ highlight areas that learners frequently find challenging and show you how to overcome them
The lesson plan for each topic shows you how your lessons link to the Cambridge Primary Science curriculum framework
Downloadable tests, with answers, provide ready-made assessment opportunities
- 1. Living things
- 2. Energy
- 3. Materials
- 4. Earth and its habitats
- 5. Light
- 6. Electricity.
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