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  • ISBN:9781107452886
  • Format:Paperback
  • Subject(s):Teacher Development
  • Author(s):David Bridges
  • Available from: August 2014

A collaborative series with the University of Cambridge Faculty of Education, drawing practical insights from international research. The Cambridge Education Research series publishes in three strands. The Teacher Education strand provides a re-examination of aspects of national and international teacher education systems or analysis of contextual examples of innovative practice. The International Education Reform strand examines the global and country-specific moves to reform education and teacher development. Books in the Language Education strand address the multilingual context of education in different national and international settings.

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    Focussing on the case of a key emerging economy of Central Asia, Kazakhstan, this book addresses key themes from the international educational agenda with chapters by the leading figures involved in the reform process and pertinent researchers.Educational Reform and Internationalisation: The Case of School Reform in Kazakhstan addresses central themes from the international educational agenda through the case of the emerging economy of Central Asia, Kazakhstan.The central themes include: The post-Soviet and Kazakh legacies in educational institutions, thought and practice, the internationalisation of educational policy and practice and 'policy borrowing', change processes in national education systems and obstacles to such change, the leadership of change at school level, professional culture and its development.The chapters are by leading figures inside and outside Kazakhstan who are involved in the reform process as well as researchers currently engaged in investigating these processes.

  • Contents
    • Analysis of the post-Soviet and Kazakh legacies in educational institutions, thought and practice.

    • Study of the internationalisation of educational policy and practice and ‘policy borrowing’.

    • A focus on the change processes in national educational systems and obstacles to such change.

    • Analysis of the leadership of change at school level.

    • Insight into Kazkh professional culture and its development.

    • Acknowledgements
    • Notes on contributors
    • Preface Colleen McLaughlin and Michael Evans
    • Foreward Shigeo Katsu
    • Introduction David Bridges and Aida Sagintayeva
    • Part 1. The Recent History of Educational Reform in Kazakhstan: 1. Educational reform in Kazakhstan - the first decade of independence Natallia Yakavets
    • 2. Educational reform in Kazakhstan - entering the world arena Natallia Yakavets and Makpal Dzhadrina
    • 3. Educational reform in Kazakhstan - the contemporary policy agenda Olena Fimyar, Natallia Yakavets and David Bridges
    • Part 2. Changing Educational Culture and Practices: 4. Implementing radical change - Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools as agents of change Kulyash Shamshidinova, Nazipa Ayubayeva and David Bridges
    • 5. Centres of excellence - systemwide transformation of teaching practice Fay Turner, Elaine Wilson, Svetlana Ispussinova, Yermek Kassymbekov, Assel Sharimova, Bakhty Balgynbayeva and Simon Brownhill
    • 6. The culture and practice of assessment in Kazakhstan - the unified national test, past and present Liz Winter, Cristina Rimini, Arailym Soltanbekova and Madina Tynybayeva
    • 7. The culture and practice of assessment in Kazakhstan - an alternative model and the future Liz Winter, Cristina Rimini, Arailym Soltanbekova, and Madina Tynybayeva
    • 8. Three in one? Trilingualism in policy and educationalpractice Peeter Mehisto, Assel Kambatyrova and Khalida Nurseitova
    • 9. 'Soviet', 'Kazakh' and 'worldclass' in the contemporary construction of educational understanding and practice in Kazakhstan Olena Fimyar
    • 10. Towards inclusive education - swimming against the tide of educational reform Martyn Rouse, Natallia Yakavets and Anel Kulakhmetova
    • 11. The role of the school director in educational reform in Kazakhstan David Frost, Olena Fimyar, Natallia Yakavets and DarkhanBilyalov
    • 12. The role of the teacher in educational reform in Kazakhstan - teacher enquiry as a vehicle for change Colleen McLaughlin, Ros McLellan and Michael Fordham with Andrew Chandler-Grevatt and Alison Daubney
    • Part 3. The International and Intranational Translation of Educational Policy and Practice: 13. Lost - and found - in translation? Interpreting the processes of the international and intranational translation of educational policy and practice in Kazakhstan David Bridges Kairat Kurakbayev and Assel Kambatyrova
    • 14. Transferability and the Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools - exploring models of practice transfer Alan Ruby and Colleen McLaughlin
    • 15. Translating pedagogical 'excellence' into three languages or how Kazakhstani teachers 'change' Olena Fimyar
    • The Way Forward: 16. Towards the next stages of reform in Kazakhstan Alan Ruby and Aslan Sarinzhipov.
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