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Working with Families Experiencing Vulnerability
A Partnership Approach

3rd Edition

AUD$72.95 inc GST

Menka Tsantefski, Susan Heward-Belle, Brigid Lang-Norris, Pam O'Connor, Lauren Redmile, Susan Brown, Dorothy Scott, Peter Matthewson, Paul Harris, Menka Tsantefski, Amy Conley Wright, Peiling Kong, Patrick O'Leary, Asukulu Bulimwengu, Pooja Sawrikar, Sharon Dawe, Paul Harnett, Elizabeth Eggins, Larissa Fogden, Cathy Humphreys, Elizabeth A. Newnham, Enrique Mergelsberg, Lauren Kosta, Katitza Marinkovic Chavez, Jonathan Bullen, Jane Nursey, Lisa Gibbs, Jo Spangaro, Mary Jo Mc Veigh, Jioji Ravulo, Susan Collings, Margaret Spencer, Lynette Riley, Sarah Ciftci, Irene Wardle, Sharyn Roberts, Ives Rose, Ann MacRae, Dave Vicary
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  • Date Published: May 2023
  • availability: In stock
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781009218320

AUD$ 72.95 inc GST

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About the Authors
  • Vulnerability is not a fixed state; people and families can move in and out of experiencing vulnerability throughout their lives. All families are at risk of experiencing vulnerability at some point, which means that social workers and other professionals must be equipped with the skills to effectively provide them with support. Working with Families Experiencing Vulnerability: A Partnership Approach provides a comprehensive, evidence-based guide to family-centred practice for the social work, human services, health and education professions. This edition has been comprehensively revised and features new chapters on working with families affected by natural disasters, families experiencing poverty, Māori families, LGBTQIA+ families and families where a parent has an intellectual disability. Emphasis is placed on promoting a rights-based, relational approach to working with children and young people, who are most at risk of experiencing vulnerability. Each chapter includes case studies, reflective questions and activities.

    • The new edition has been substantially revised, including new chapters that explore contemporary topics including working with families affected by natural disasters, parenting in a new land, transitions to parenthood, parenting with intellectual disability and supporting people of diverse genders and sexualities
    • Provides a current, evidence-based approach to family-centred practice for students across the social work, health and education professions
    • Student learning is supported through a broad suite of pedagogical features in each chapter, alongside new online resources to complement the text
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    Product details

    • Edition: 3rd Edition
    • Date Published: May 2023
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781009218320
    • length: 380 pages
    • dimensions: 242 x 170 x 20 mm
    • weight: 0.685kg
    • availability: In stock
  • Table of Contents

    1. The context for practice with children, young people, and their families Menka Tsantefski and Susan Heward-Belle
    2. Person-centred, relationship-based practice Susan Heward-Belle, Brigid Lang-Norris, Pam O'Connor, Lauren Redmile and Susan Brown
    3. Working within and between organisational boundaries Dorothy Scott
    4. Poverty and its impacts on children and families Peter Matthewson, Paul Harris and Menka Tsantefski
    5. Attachment theory Amy Conley Wright and Peiling Kong
    6. Engaging with fathers for the care and safety of families Susan Heward-Belle and Patrick O'Leary
    7. Parenting in a new land Asukulu Bulimwengu and Pooja Sawrikar
    8. Working with parents with problematic substance use and mental health issues Sharon Dawe, Paul Harnett and Elizabeth Eggins
    9. Children in the midst of family violence Larissa Fogden, Cathy Humphreys and Menka Tsantefski
    10. Supporting children and families affected by disasters Elizabeth A. Newnham, Enrique Mergelsberg, Lauren Kosta, Katitza Marinkovic Chavez, Jonathan Bullen, Jane Nursey and Lisa Gibbs
    11. Working with families in pregnancy Jo Spangaro
    12. Working with children: a rights-based, relational approach to practice Menka Tsantefski and Mary Jo Mc Veigh
    13. Understanding young people Jioji Ravulo
    14. Parenting with intellectual disability Susan Collings and Margaret Spencer
    15. Family-led decision-making approaches with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families Lynette Riley, Sarah Ciftci and Irene Wardle
    16. Working with Māori whānau (families) Sharyn Roberts
    17. Supporting people of diverse genders and sexualities Peter Matthewson and Ives Rose
    18. Working with kinship care families Ann MacRae and Dave Vicary.

  • Editors

    Susan Heward-Belle, University of Sydney
    Susan Heward-Belle is an Associate Professor of Social Work at the University of Sydney. Her teaching and sustained program of original research focuses on driving change to create socially just gender transformative strategies to prevent and address domestic and family violence. Her cutting-edge research, particularly with men who perpetrate violence against women and children, aims to counter dominant paradigms that offer gender biased responses, particularly by institutions of the state such as statutory child protection services, police, and the courts. She contributes to knowledge, which informs public policy and professional practices, that ultimately prevent inter-personal violence. Moreover, her research focuses on developing and promoting dignity-based policy and practice.

    Menka Tsantefski, Southern Cross University, Australia
    Menka Tsantefski is an academic in the School of Social Work and Community Welfare, Faculty of Health, Southern Cross University, and a researcher in the Faculty's Centre for Children and Young People. Menka's research has examined the transition to motherhood among women with histories of problematic substance use, the experiences of children affected by parental substance use, and all-of-family approaches at the intersection of alcohol and other drugs, mental health, domestic/family violence and child protection concerns. Her work, which is cross-sectoral and multi-disciplinary, has been at the forefront of service delivery. She has built evidence for interventions, designed and implemented projects for children, led developments in child-aware practice in adult services, increased collaboration between service sectors, and influenced policy and practice at the national level.


    Menka Tsantefski, Susan Heward-Belle, Brigid Lang-Norris, Pam O'Connor, Lauren Redmile, Susan Brown, Dorothy Scott, Peter Matthewson, Paul Harris, Menka Tsantefski, Amy Conley Wright, Peiling Kong, Patrick O'Leary, Asukulu Bulimwengu, Pooja Sawrikar, Sharon Dawe, Paul Harnett, Elizabeth Eggins, Larissa Fogden, Cathy Humphreys, Elizabeth A. Newnham, Enrique Mergelsberg, Lauren Kosta, Katitza Marinkovic Chavez, Jonathan Bullen, Jane Nursey, Lisa Gibbs, Jo Spangaro, Mary Jo Mc Veigh, Jioji Ravulo, Susan Collings, Margaret Spencer, Lynette Riley, Sarah Ciftci, Irene Wardle, Sharyn Roberts, Ives Rose, Ann MacRae, Dave Vicary

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