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- Cambridge University Press
- The Cambridge Guide to Election 2016
The Cambridge Guide to Election 2016
The Cambridge Guide to the 2016 Election is your source for thoughtful analysis of the key issues and debates in the 2016 US election. Our authors have delved into the issues to give you their take and help you engage in the conversation. Check back regularly for new (and interactive) content and free journal articles to stay on top of the latest discussions and election events.
Highlights from the Guide
Free Journal Articles
From Intent to Effect: Richmond, Virginia, and the Protracted Struggle for Voting Rights, 1965–1977
Julian Maxwell Hayter
Journal of Policy History, Volume 26, Issue 4
The Ambivalent Minority: Mexican Americans and the Voting Rights Act
Peter Skerry
Journal of Policy History, Volume 6, Issue 1
Vote Dilution and Suppression in Indian Country
Jean Schroedel and Ryan Hart
Studies in American Political Development, Volume 29, Issue 1
Examining Obama's Foreign Policy Legacy with Robert Singh
Video Highlight: How effective are U.S. legislators?
Craig Volden and Alan Wiseman, authors of the APSA award-winning Legislative Effectiveness in the United States Congress, discuss legislative effectiveness.
Election Topics
Political Science and the Election
What Happens When Extremists Win Primaries? - APSR
Is There a Culture War? Conflicting Value Structures in American Public Opinion - APSR
Fair's Fair? Principles, Partisanship, and Perceptions of the Fairness of Campaign Rhetoric - BJPS
Who Caucuses? An Experimental Approach to Institutional Design and Electoral Participation - BJPS
The Influence of Competing Organisational Appeals on Individual Donations - JPP
Foreign Policy
Race, Paternalism, and Foreign Aid: Evidence from U.S. Public Opinion - APSR
In Search of Soft Power: Does Foreign Public Opinion Matter for US Foreign Policy? - WP
Ideology, Realpolitik, and US Foreign Policy - POP
Does Hypocrisy Matter? The Case of US Foreign Policy - RIS
Who Influences U.S. Foreign Policy? - APSR
From Jus ad Bellum to Jus ad Vim: Recalibrating Our Understanding of the Moral Use of Force - E&IA
Racial Politics and Inequality
Gender and the Election
Uncovering the Origins of the Gender Gap in Political Ambition - APSR
Quotas for Men: Reframing Gender Quotas as a Means of Improving Representation for All - APSR
When Women Attack: Sex Scandals, Gender Stereotypes, and Candidate Evaluations - PLS
Gender and the Executive Branch - P&G
Gender Stereotypes and Corruption: How Candidates Affect Perceptions of Election Fraud - P&GHe Said, She Said: The Impact of Candidate Gender in Negative Campaigns - P&G
The Growing Influence of Gender Attitudes on Public Support for Hillary Clinton, 2008–2012 - P&G -
National Security
Springs and their offspring: the international consequences of domestic uprisings - EJIS
Future arms, technologies, and international law: Preventive security governance - EJIS
The Rise of China: Continuity or Change in the Global Governance of Development? - E&IA
Toward a Drone Accountability Regime - E&IA
Against Moral Absolutism: Surveillance and Disclosure After Snowden - E&IA
Accountability for Targeted Drone Strikes Against Terrorists? - E&IA
How Norms Die: Torture and Assassination in American Security Policy - E&IA
The Threat of Nuclear Proliferation: Perception and Reality - E&IA
The Ideological Asymmetry of the American Party System - BJPS
State Tax Subsidies to Encourage Long-Term Care Insurance - JPP
Plan Generosity in Health Insurance Exchanges - JPP
Are Press Depictions of Affordable Care Act Beneficiaries Favorable to Policy Durability? - PLS
Perspectives on Health Care Reform and the Affordable Care Act - PLS
Criminal Justice
Climate Change
Voting Rights
Congress and Executive Politics
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