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Physics and Astronomy Collection Australia and New Zealand

Introduction to General Relativity

Introduction to General Relativity

Lewis Ryder


AUD $ 67.95 / NZD $ 93.95

A student-friendly style, this is the ideal textbook for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in physics and mathematics. Lewis Ryder develops the theory of general relativity in detail. Covering the core topics while providing an overview of general relativity and its modern ramifications. The book contains chapters on gravitational radiation, cosmology, and connections between general relativity and the fundamental physics of the microworld. It explains the geometry of curved spaces and contains Einstein's Schwarzschild and Kerr solutions. Mathematical calculations are worked out in detail, so students can develop an intuitive understanding of the subject.

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Introduction to Quantum Field Theory 

Introduction to Quantum Field Theory

Horatiu Nastase


AUD $ 109.95 / NZD $ 118.95

Quantum Field Theory provides a theoretical framework for understanding fields and the particles associated with them, and is the basis of particle physics and condensed matter research. This graduate level textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to quantum field theory, giving equal emphasis to operator and path integral formalisms. It covers modern research, treats advanced topics and various quantum fields are described. Each chapter ends with exercises and an important concepts section, allowing students to identify the key aspects of the chapter and test their understanding.

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Fundamental Planetary Science 

Fundamental Planetary Science

Jack J. Lissauer, Imke de Pater


AUD $ 90.95 / NZD $ 98.95

A quantitative introduction to the Solar System and planetary systems science for advanced undergraduate students, this engaging textbook explains the wide variety of physical, chemical and geological processes that govern the motions and properties of planets. The authors provide an overview of our current knowledge and discuss some of the unanswered questions at the forefront of research in planetary science and astrobiology today. The text concludes with an introduction to the fundamental properties of living organisms and the relationship that life has to its host planet. With more than 200 exercises to help students learn how to apply the concepts covered, this textbook is ideal for a one-semester or two-quarter course for undergraduate students.

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Elementary Particle Physics

Elementary Particle Physics

Andrew J. Larkoski


AUD $ 81.95 / NZD $ 88.95

This modern introduction to particle physics equips students with the skills needed to develop a deep and intuitive understanding of the physical theory underpinning contemporary experimental results. The fundamental tools of particle physics are introduced and accompanied by historical profiles charting the development of the field. This text features descriptions of experimental techniques used at CERN accompanied by detail on the physics of the Large Hadron Collider. Recent experimental results are include and the discovery of the Higgs boson. Additional features include worked examples throughout, a detailed glossary of key terms, appendices covering essential background material, and extensive references and further reading to aid self-study, making this an invaluable resource for advanced undergraduates in physics.

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Stephen R. Turns, Laura L. Pauley


AUD $ 118.95 / NZD $ 128.95

Fully revised to match the more traditional sequence of course materials, second edition presents the basic principles and methods of thermodynamics using a clear and engaging style and a wealth of end-of-chapter problems. It includes five new chapters on topics such as mixtures, psychrometry, chemical equilibrium, and combustion, and discussion of the Second Law of Thermodynamics has been expanded and divided into two chapters. Online ancillaries including a password-protected solutions manual, figures in electronic format, prepared PowerPoint lecture slides, and instructional videos are available.

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Solid State Physics

Solid State Physics

David W. Snoke


AUD $ 118.95 / NZD $ 128.95

By identifying unifying concepts across solid state physics, this text covers theory in an accessible way to provide graduate students with an intuitive understanding of effects and the basis for making quantitative calculations. Each chapter focuses on a different set of theoretical tools, using examples from specific systems and demonstrating practical applications to real experimental topics. Advanced theoretical methods including group theory, many-body theory, and phase transitions are introduced in an accessible way, and the quasiparticle concept is developed early, with discussion of the properties and interactions of electrons and holes, excitons, phonons, photons, and polaritons. New to this edition are sections on graphene, surface states, photoemission spectroscopy, 2D spectroscopy, transistor device physics, thermoelectricity, metamaterials, spintronics, exciton-polaritons, and flux quantization in superconductors. Exercises are provided to help put knowledge into practice, with a solutions manual for instructors available online, while appendices review the basic mathematical methods used in the book.

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