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Archaic and Classical Greece

Archaic and Classical Greece
A Selection of Ancient Sources in Translation


  • Date Published: January 1983
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521296380

£ 57.99

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About the Authors
  • The aim of this book is to collect in one comprehensive volume a representative selection of ancient sources in translation, with commentary, on the history, institutions, society and economy of the Greek world from c. 750 to 338 BC - that is, the period best known and most important for the evolution of the polis, a form of political community which combined the aspects of city and state in a physical and psychological unity unparalleled either before or since. For us, the inheritors of much that the Greeks created, there is an inherent interest in the way in which they organised their society during these centuries. Although this book assumes no knowledge of Greek, the reader is introduced to a range of key Greek words and concepts which offer a direct insight into the mentality, both collective and individual, of the times. The sources themselves (all of which have been translated by the authors) are supported by introductory commentary, notes, bibliographies, chronological tables and maps. All students and teachers of the history of ancient Greece or of classical civilisation generally will find this book an invaluable tool.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: January 1983
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521296380
    • length: 660 pages
    • dimensions: 233 x 156 x 36 mm
    • weight: 0.9kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    List of figures
    List of maps
    Conventions and abbreviations
    Weights, measures, money
    Introduction I: Greek society
    Introduction II: the sources
    Part I. The Archaic Period:
    1. The development of the polis and its values
    2. Exploration and colonisation
    3. Tyranny
    4. The institutions of the polis
    5. Sparta
    6. Athens
    7. Kleisthenes and the dēmos
    8. Diversity and unity
    9. The Persian Empire
    10. Persia and the Greeks
    Part II. The Fifth Century:
    11. The development of Athenian democracy
    12. The Athenian Empire
    13. Athenian political life
    14. The culture of Athens
    15. Economic and social developments in Athens
    16. Athens and Sparta in the Pentekontaëtia
    17. The prelude to the Peloponnesian War
    Part III. The Peloponnesian War:
    18. Spartan strategy in the Archidamian War
    19. Athenian strategy in the Archidamian War
    20. The uneasy peace, 421–416
    21. Athenian politics during the war
    22. Athens and Sicily
    23. The Spartan offensive
    24. The defeat of Athens
    25. Post-war Athens, 404–399
    Part IV. The Fourth Century:
    26. Spartan imperialism
    27. The resurgence of Athens
    28. Sparta, Athens and Thebes
    29. The polis and its economy
    30. War and revolution
    31. Athenian politics and society
    32. Thessaly and Persia
    33. The rise of Makedonia
    34. Philippos and Greece
    Chronological table
    Table of rulers
    Index of ancient sources
    Index of Greek words
    Index of names
    Index of subjects.

  • Authors

    Michael H. Crawford

    David Whitehead

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