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Look Inside The History of Rome

The History of Rome

Volume 3


Part of Cambridge Library Collection - Classics

  • Date Published: May 2010
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781108012331

£ 48.99

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About the Authors
  • This three-volume English translation of Barthold Georg Niebuhr's influential History of Rome was published between 1828 and 1842. It follows the second German edition, which the author contrasts with the earlier edition (1811–1812, translated into English in 1827) as being 'the work of a man who has reached his maturity'. The early part of the nineteenth century saw important developments in philological scholarship in Germany, and Niebuhr's international career as a statesman and scholar reflected Germany's new-found confidence in the wider world. His book had a lasting impact both within its own subject area and on the understanding of history as an academic discipline, and was a landmark of nineteenth-century European scholarship. Volume 3 begins with the Licinian rogations and ends with the first Punic war.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: May 2010
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781108012331
    • length: 740 pages
    • dimensions: 216 x 41 x 140 mm
    • weight: 0.93kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    1. The Licinian rogations
    2. The new curule dignities of the year 384
    3. Internal history down to the complete establishment of the plebeian consulship
    On the uncial rate of interest
    4. History of the wars from 384 to 406
    5. Rome in alliance with Latium
    6. The earliest constitution of the manipular legion
    7. The first Samnite War
    8. The Latin War
    9. The laws of the dictator Q. Publilius
    10. Internal history down to the Caudine Peace
    11. Alexander of Epirus
    12. Foreign relations down to the second Samnite War
    13. The second Samnite War
    14. Relations between Rome and the nations bordering on Samnium after the Peace
    15. The Etruscan Wars down to the beginning of the third Samnite War
    16. Internal history from the Caudine Peace down to the third Samnite War
    17. Cn. Flavius
    18. The censorship of Q. Fabius and P. Decius
    19. The Ogulnian Law
    20. Various occurrences of the same period
    21. The third Samnite War and the others of the same period
    22. Internal history from the beginning of the second Samnite War down to the Lucanian
    23. Miscellaneous occurrence of the same period
    24. The Etruscan and Gallic War
    25. The Lucanian, Bruttian, fourth Samnite, and Tarentine Wars
    26. Epirus and Pyrrhus
    27. The Roman and Macedonian tactics
    28. The War with Pyrrhus
    29. Entire subjugation of Italy, and the political rights of the Italian allies
    30. Internal history and miscellaneous occurrences of the period from the Lucanian down to the first Punic War
    31. The first Punic War

  • Author

    Barthold Georg Niebuhr


    William Smith

    Leonhard Schmitz

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