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Awards in Science, Technology and Medicine


Awards and honourable mentions since 2014 include:

Bradley Efron, Trevor Hastie, Computer Age Statistical Inference: Algorithms, Evidence, and Data Science, Algorithms, Evidence, and Data Science, 9781107149892, Statistics, Winner, 2017 PROSE Award for Computing and Information Sciences

Evarist Giné, Richard Nickl, Mathematical Foundations of Infinite-Dimensional Statistical Models, 9781107043169, Statistics, Winner, 2017 PROSE Award for Mathematics

Barry Mazur, William Stein, Prime Numbers and the Riemann Hypothesis, 9781107101920, Mathematics, Honourable Mention, 2017 PROSE Award for Mathematics

Irving J. Bigio, Sergio Fantini Quantitative Biomedical Optics Theory, Methods, and Applications, 9780521876568, Engineering, Honourable Mention, 2017 PROSE Award for Textbook/Best in Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Albert-László Barabási, Márton Pósfai, Network Science, 9781107076266, Physics, Winner, 2017 PROSE Award for Textbook/Best in Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Eric Smith, Harold J. Morowitz, The Origin and Nature of Life on Earth, The Emergence of the Fourth Geosphere, 9781107121881, Physics, Honourable Mention, 2017 PROSE Award for Chemistry and Physics

Philip J. Stooke, International Atlas of Mars Exploration, Volume 2, From Spirit to Curiosity, 9781107030930, Astronomy, Winner, 2016 Choice Outstanding Academic Title

Michio Nakamura, Kazuhiko Hosaka, Noriko Itoh, Koichiro Zamma, Mahale Chimpanzees, 50 Years of Research, 9781107052314, Biology, Winner, 2016 Choice Outstanding Academic Title

Susan C. Loughlin, Steve Sparks, Sarah K. Brown, Susanna F. Jenkins, Charlotte Vye-Brown,Global Colcanic Hazards and Risks,9781107111752, Earth Science, Winner, 2016 Choice Outstanding Academic Title 

Andrea Reupert, Darryl Maybery, Joanne Nicholson, Michael Göpfert, Mary V. Seeman, Parental Psychiatric Disorder, 3rd Edition, 9781107070684, Medicine, Winner British Medical Association President's Choice Award

The Stahl Neuropsychopharmacology Masterclass: Antidepressants Online Course and Certificate, 9781107070684, Medicine, Winner, British Medical Association Award for Best Digital and Online Resource

Demetrios Demetriades, Kenji Inaba, George Velmahos, Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma, 9781107044593, Medicine, Winner, British Medical Association Award for First Prize in Surgery

Nadrian C. Seeman, Structural DNA Nanotechnology, 9780521764483, Engineering, Winner, 2016 PROSE Award for Biological Science

David J. Eicher, Foreword by Alex Filippenko, The New Cosmos,  Answering Astronomy's Big Questions, 9781107068858, Astronomy, Honourable Mention, 2016 PROSE Award for Popular Science and Popular Mathematics               

David Stirzaker, The Cambridge Dictionary of Probability and its Applications, 9781107075160, Statistics and probability, Honourable Mention, 2016 PROSE Award for Mathematics         

Guido W. Imbens, Donald B. Rubin, Causal Inference for Statistics, Social, and Biomedical Sciences, An Introduction, 9780521885881, Statistics and probability, Winner, 2016 PROSE Award for Textbook, Social Sciences        

Jeffrey A. Karson, Deborah S. Kelley, Daniel J. Fornari, Michael R. Perfit, Timothy M. Shank, Discovering the Deep, A Photographic Atlas of the Seafloor and Ocean Crust, 9780521857185, Earth and environmental science, Winner, 2016 PROSE Award for Earth Science               

Tony Hey, Gyuri Pápay The Computing Universe, A Journey through a Revolution, 9780521766456, Computer science, A Choice Outstanding Academic Title 2015               

Dan Romik, The Surprising Mathematics of Longest Increasing Subsequences, 9781107428829, Statistics and probability, A Choice Outstanding Academic Title 2015               

Monica M. Grady, Giovanni Pratesi, Vanni Moggi Cecchi, Atlas of Meteorites, 9780521840354, Astronomy, Winner, 2015 PROSE Award for Excellence in Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Winner, 2015 PROSE Award for Earth Science

Fredric W. Taylor, The Scientific Exploration of Venus, 9781107023482, Astronomy, A Choice Outstanding Academic Title 2015      

Joseph M. Hilbe, Modeling Count Data, 9781107611252, Statistics and probability, Honourable Mention, 2015 PROSE Award for Mathematics               

Harriet Bulkeley, Liliana B. Andonova, Michele M. Betsill, Daniel Compagnon, Thomas Hale, Matthew J. Hoffmann, Peter Newell , Matthew Paterson , Charles Roger , Stacy D. VanDeveer, Transnational Climate Change Governance, 9781107068698, Earth and environmental science, Runner-up for the 2015 Harold and Margaret Sprout Award, International Studies Association        

Edited by Julia Lane, Victoria Stodden, Stefan Bender, Helen Nissenbaum, Privacy, Big Data, and the Public Good, Frameworks for Engagement, 9781107637689, Statistics and probability, A Choice Outstanding Academic Title 2015         

Edited by Peter X. Ma, Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine, 9781107012097, Engineering, Winner, 2015 PROSE Award for Single Volume, Science           

Peter A. Thomas, Trees Their Natural History, 9780521133586, Life sciences, A Choice Outstanding Academic Title 2015  

Kostas Kampourakis, Understanding Evolution, 9781107610200, Life sciences, A Choice Outstanding Academic Title 2015               

Richard T. T. Forman, Urban Ecology, Science of Cities, 9781107007000, Life sciences, A Choice Outstanding Academic Title 2015, Shortlisted for the 2014 Society of Biology Postgraduate Textbook Award

Martin Harwit, In Search of the True Universe  The Tools, Shaping, and Cost of Cosmological Thought, 9781107044067, Astronomy, Winner of the 2013 Association of American Publishers PROSE Award in Cosmology and Astronomy               

Tristram D. Wyatt, Pheromones and Animal Behavior, Chemical Signals and Signatures, 9780521130196, Life sciences, Winner of the 2014 Society of Biology Postgraduate Textbook Award     

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