- ISBN:9781108661805
- Format:Print/online bundle
- Subject(s):Mathematics
- Qualification:CBSE
- Author(s):Sudha Mahesh
- Available from: September 2018
The revised edition of IDIM is a carefully-graded and activity-based mathematic series for classes 0-8.
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×- Contents
My Experiments with Maths/Enrichment Activity: exciting activities to engage different kinds of learners
Mental Maths: small exercises in the form of fill in the blanks, true or false, mental arithmetic
HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills): out-of-the-box thinking
Maths in My Life: Linking concepts to the learners’ lives outside the classrooms
My Fun Time: learning through fun activity, puzzle, riddle
My Word Power: defining new words used in the chapter
I Learnt: summarising the chapter
Worksheet: complete revision of the chapter through well-planned exercises
Unit Test Papers: assignments which can assist students to practice the concepts through practice sessions
Story Time: recapitulating the concepts covered through an interesting comprehension which covers a few concepts and is followed by a practice exercise
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