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- ISBN:9781316637678
- Format:Print/online bundle
- Subject(s):Biology
- Qualification:IB Diploma
- Author(s):Brenda Walpole
- Available from: No date available
- Notes: Not available for credit card purchase. Please contact Customer Services.
Biology for the IB Diploma, Second edition covers in full the requirements of the IB syllabus for Biology for first examination in 2016.
Biology for the IB Diploma with Cambridge Elevate enhanced edition provides complete coverage of the syllabus, with links to Theory of Knowledge, International-mindedness and Nature of Science themes. This Cambridge Elevate enhanced edition of the coursebook delivers enriched digital learning through auto-marked formative assessment quizzes with tailored feedback, animated videos that help bring scientific concepts to life, exam-style questions and more.
- Contents
Comprehensive print and digital coverage of the full syllabus with strong focus on practical skills and preparation.
Carefully selected animated videos help students understand challenging concepts by bringing content to life.
Auto-marked formative assessment quizzes with tailored feedback to incorrect answers highlight common misconceptions, ensuring continual learning opportunities for students.
Exam-style questions at the end of every chapter provide students with comprehensive practice for their examinations.
Cambridge Elevate editions are customisable and interactive, allowing students to annotate text, add audio notes and link to external resources.
Additional materials, such as detailed answers to all the questions, advice on revision and examinations and recommendations of extra resources, are all available to download in the enhanced edition.
Available online and on tablet devices through the Cambridge Elevate app.
For information on how to use Cambridge Elevate editions and supported devices, please see inside the front cover.
- Introduction
- 1. Cell biology
- 2. Molecular biology
- 3. Genetics
- 4. Ecology
- 5. Evolution and biodiversity
- 6. Human physiology
- 7. Nucleic acids HL
- 8. Metabolism, cell respiration and photosynthesis HL
- 9. Plant biology HL
- 10. Genetics and evolution HL
- 11. Animal physiology HL
- Option A. Neurobiology and behaviour
- Option B. Biotechnology and bioinformatics
- Option C. Ecology and conservation
- Option D. Human health and physiology
- Answers to test yourself questions
- Glossary
- Self-test questions
- Assessment guidance
- Model exam papers and mark schemes
- Nature of Science
- Answers to exam-style questions
- Answers to Options questions.
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