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Evolve Level 2

Evolve Level 2
Teacher's Edition with Test Generator


Genevieve Kocienda, Gareth Jones, Gregory J. Manin, Wayne Rimmer, Katy Simpson, Raquel Ribeiro dos Santos

English Type

American English


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Date Published

January 2019

CEF Level


Product description

EVOLVE is a six-level English course that gets students speaking with confidence.

This interleaved Teacher's Edition with Test Generator Level 2 provides page-for-page teaching notes corresponding with the Student's Book. It includes answer keys for the Student's Book and Workbook, plus photocopiable worksheets for further practice of grammar, vocabulary, and speaking. A teacher development syllabus is woven throughout, providing opportunities to incorporate new teaching techniques in an easy and time-efficient way. In addition, suggested readings offer teachers the opportunity to expand their knowledge of the theories behind each technique. Test Generator provides ready-made unit tests, mid-level and end of level tests, in addition to a test-generating tool for creating bespoke tests.

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