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Discovering Fiction

Second Edition

Discovering Fiction

Discovering Fiction features short stories that enhance students' reading skills, language learning, and enjoyment of literature.

This three-level anthology of short stories by contemporary and classic American authors such as Isaac Asimov, Edgar Allen Poe, Sandra Cisneros, Kate Chopin, Ernest Hemingway, Langston Hughes, and Mark Twain. The texts provide interactive, skill-building tasks around each story. Extensive pre-reading activities capture students' interest, comprehension activities check students' understanding, and grammar and vocabulary tasks increase students' language knowledge. Thought-provoking discussion and writing assignments enhance students' ability to interpret and appreciate literature.

Key features

  • Authentic short stories help students develop the reading, vocabulary, and critical thinking skills needed as they progress from adapted to authentic literature.
  • Readings give students a thorough background in American literature and provide insights into the culture that produced each work.
  • Key skills for reading literature, such as guessing meaning from context and understanding literary devices are taught throughout.
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Product details


Judith Kay, Rosemary Gelshenen


Intermediate – Advanced

English Type

American English

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