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The KJV Transetto Text Edition is not only a new Bible but a unique new book concept.
These smart, ultra-modern books are very compact, but nevertheless clear and easy to read. They adopt a clever combination of lightweight paper and an innovative binding style to fit a large amount of reading matter into a small, supremely portable and easy-to-handle format. This revolutionary new publishing concept is patented as the flipback®.
The Cambridge KJV Transetto Bible is the first book to be published in this format in the UK. The book no longer has a conventional left and right page. The format is landscape, with the text rotated crosswise through 90°, but when the book is open the two pages on view form a single portrait-format ‘page’ for reading. The Bible text is set in two columns, and is read downwards across both open pages in the spread.
Any book in this unique format weighs a fraction of its standard book equivalent – and of an electronic reader too. The combination of thin India paper and unique binding allows the books to open flat or be easily held in one hand. They fit comfortably into the smallest of handbags or pockets and will be ideal for reading on the move – any time, anywhere.
- published to coincide with the 400th anniversary of the KJV
- first Bible in English in the innovative flipback® format
- easy to hold, easy to read
- fits comfortably into a pocket
Reviews of the KJV Transetto Bible
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- TheGoodBookstall
- Christian Marketplace
- Bibles Design & Binding
- Born-Again-Christian.Info
Features of edition:
- India paper
- black-letter text
- sewn binding
Product details
Typography: 7/8 point Karmina Sans
Page size: 80 x 117 mm
Page extent: 1824 pp.
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