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Geschichte des Hellenismus

Geschichte des Hellenismus

Volume 1. Geschichte der Nachfolder Alexanders


Part of Cambridge Library Collection - Classics

  • Date Published: December 2011
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781108035217

£ 55.99

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About the Authors
  • Johann Gustav Droysen (1808–84) belonged to a German school of historical thought influenced by Hegel, which emphasised the role of great individuals in history. A pupil of August Boeckh, his own famous students included Jacob Burckhardt. He was noted for his thorough and painstaking use of source materials, and his history of Alexander the Great (1833) remained the standard work on the subject for many years. Droysen published this pioneering two-volume study of the centuries after Alexander's death in 1836 and 1843; he coined the term 'Hellenism' to refer to this period. Volume 1 is devoted to Alexander's successors and covers the period 323–278 BCE, from Alexander's death to the campaigns of Demetrios Poliorcetes, ending with the invasion of Macedonia by the Gauls during the reign of Antigonus II. The book includes information on classical and medieval sources, chronological tables and an index of names.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: December 2011
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781108035217
    • length: 804 pages
    • dimensions: 216 x 140 x 45 mm
    • weight: 1kg
    • contains: 6 tables
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Erstes Buch. 323–319:
    1. 323. Alexanders Tod
    2. 323–322. Die Asiaten beim Tode Alexanders
    3. 322–321. Leonnatus und Eumenes
    4. 321–320. Rückblick
    Zweites Buch. 319–315:
    1. 319–316. Uebersicht
    2. 318–315. Der Stellung der östlichen Satrapien
    Dritte Buch. 315–301:
    1. 316–311. Bündniss gegen Antigonus
    2. 311–308. Der junge König Alexander in Kassanders Haft - von Kassander ermordet
    3. 308–306. Die griechischen Staaten
    4. 306–302. Das Jahr der Könige
    5. 302–301. Demetrius Rüstungen gegen Kassander
    Viertes Buch. 301–278:
    1. 301–288. Demetrius in Griechenland
    2. 288–278. Das ägyptische Reich
    Chronologische Tabelle
    Nachträge und Verbesserungen

  • Author

    Johann Gustav Droysen

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