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Management across Cultures
Australasian edition


  • Date Published: No date available
  • availability: In stock
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781316604359

£ 70.00

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About the Authors
  • This first Australasian edition of the popular text Management across Cultures explores the latest approaches to cross-cultural management, presenting strategies and tactics for managing international assignments and global teams. With a clear emphasis on learning and development, the text encourages students to acquire skills in multicultural competence that will be highly valued by their future employers. As more and more managers find themselves becoming global managers, and in a world where practices and expectations can differ significantly across national and regional boundaries, this has never been more important. Rich in cases and examples, Management across Cultures integrates research from across the social sciences with contemporary management practices for a comprehensive overview of cross-cultural management.

    • The first Australasian edition of this popular text, providing a strong Australasian context
    • Includes a rich supply of cases and examples
    • Online resources include a bank of extended responses, PowerPoint presentations, an instructor's resource guide and videos
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    Product details

    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781316604359
    • length: 482 pages
    • dimensions: 248 x 190 x 26 mm
    • weight: 0.95kg
    • contains: 79 b/w illus. 31 tables
    • availability: In stock
  • Table of Contents

    1. Management across cultures: an introduction
    2. Global managers: challenges and responsibilities
    3. Cultural environments
    4. Organisational environments
    5. Communicating across cultures
    6. Leading global organisations
    7. Negotiating global partnerships
    8. Managing ethical conflicts
    9. Managing work and motivation
    10. Managing global teams
    11. Managing global assignments
    12. Lessons learned.

  • Authors

    Richard M. Steers, University of Oregon
    Richard M. Steers is Emeritus Professor of Organization and Management in the Lundquist College of Business, University of Oregon.

    Luciara Nardon, Carleton University, Ottawa
    Luciara Nardon is Assistant Professor of Management at the Sprott School of Business, Carleton University, Canada.

    Carlos J. Sanchez-Runde, IESE Business School, Barcelona
    Carlos J. Sanchez-Runde is Professor and Director in the Department of Managing People in Organizations at the IESE Business School, Universidad de Navarra, Spain, where he is also holder of the SEAT Chair of Labor Relations. His areas of specialization include cross-cultural management, strategic human resource management, compensation and pay policies, and cooperative labor-management relations. He has held teaching and research appointments in the US, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Mexico and Peru.

    Adaptation by

    Ramanie Samaratunge, Monash University, Victoria
    Ramanie Samaratunge is an Associate Professor at Monash Business School, Monash University, Victoria. She is an internationally renowned management scholar with thirty years' experience working in the public and private sector, including consultancies in Australia and Asia. She was previously at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka, from which she also graduated. She holds a Masters degree from Carleton University, Ottawa and a Ph.D. from Monash University. She has served on international and local advisory bodies and is a member of many international professional bodies.

    Subramaniam Ananthram, Curtin University of Technology, Perth
    Subramaniam Ananthram is a Senior Lecturer in International Business at Curtin University, Perth. He teaches international business courses such as international management and strategic global business across undergraduate and postgraduate programs respectively. His current research interests include the role of global mindset in strategic decision making in multinationals, international human resource management in multinationals and ethical decision making in multinationals.

    Di Fan, Curtin University, Perth
    Di Fan is an Associate Professor in International Business in the School of Management, Curtin University, Perth. His research interests include multinationals from emerging economies, international strategic management and international human resource management,as well as topics related to Chinese management.

    Ying Lu, Macquarie University, Sydney
    Ying Lu is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Marketing and Management, Macquarie University, Sydney. Dr Lu's research interests are in the areas of cross-cultural management, diversity management, international human resource management and occupational health and safety.

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