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Innovations in Feminist Psychological Research

Innovations in Feminist Psychological Research


Cheryl Brown Travis, Nancy Felipe Russo, Mary Crawford, Ellen Kimmel, Deborah L. Tolman, Laura A. Szalacha, Jane M. Ussher, Elizabeth Merrick, Natalie Porter, Rebecca Campbell, Deborah A. Salem, Stephanie Riger, Community Education Team Wilfred Laurier University, Deborah Mahlstedt, Frances K. Grossman, Lou-Marie Kruger, Roslin P. Moore, Abigail J. Stewart, Alyssa N. Zucker, Ronda Redden Reitz, Michael G. Garko, Paige Hall Smith, Jason B. Smith, Jo Anne L. Earp, Mary Ann Dutton, Ann Weatherall, Hilary M. Lips, Sue Wilkinson, Rhoda K. Unger, Susan J. Snelling, Celia Kitzinger, Gill Aitken, Erica Burman, Christine Griffin, Faith H. McClure, Rosario Ceballo, Karen Fraser Wyche, Marjorie A. Padula, Dana L. Miller, Bernice Lott, Nicola Gavey, Kathryn McPhillips, Jeanne Marecek, Richard Walsh-Bowers, Hope Landrine, Elizabeth A. Klonoff, Glenda M. Russell, Janis S. Bohan, Ruth L. Hall, Sara Jaffee, Kristen C. Kling, E. Ashby Plant, Mathew Sloan, Janet Shibley Hyde, Mary Gergen, Joan C. Chrisler, Alice LoCicero
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  • Date Published: August 2000
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521786409

£ 31.99

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About the Authors
  • What are the best ways to do research on the psychology of women and gender? Within feminist psychology, there is a great deal of methodological creativity and diversity. This volume, first published in 2000, highlights how familiar methods such as focus groups can be brought to bear on feminist issues. It demonstrates less common methods, such as Q-sort, phenomenological analysis, concept mapping, and discourse analysis. Moreover, it explores the role of personal values, interpersonal dynamics, and sociopolitical influences on the research process. Over 60 international contributors share insights into adolescent girls' and adult women's sexuality, violence and its prevention, life patterns and narratives, the teaching-research nexus, gender and race in clinical practice, and more. Included is a comprehensive resource guide for research, publication and teaching on methodological diversity.

    • This collection can be used as a textbook for classes in feminist research at graduate/advanced undergraduate levels
    • This volume illustrates a variety of innovative approaches to diverse issues: violence against girls and women, sexuality, life patterns and more
    • Over 60 international contributors and a comprehensive resource guide make this an essential resource for researchers and educators
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    Product details

    • Date Published: August 2000
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521786409
    • length: 482 pages
    • dimensions: 228 x 153 x 24 mm
    • weight: 0.64kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Introduction: feminist research: questions and methods
    1. Promoting methodological diversity in feminist research
    2. Dimensions of desire: bridging qualitative and quantitative methods in a study of female adolescent sexuality
    3. Commentary: eclecticism and methodological pluralism: the way forward for feminist research
    4. 'Like chewing gravel': on the experience of analyzing qualitative research findings using a feminist epistemology
    5. Commentary: reconstructing mountains from gravel: remembering context in feminist research
    6. Concept mapping as a feminist research method: examining the community response to rape
    7. Commentary: measuring subjectivities: 'Concept mapping as a feminist research method: examining the community response to rape
    8. Fostering rationality when implementing and evaluating a collective-drama approach to preventing violence against women
    9. Commentary: power, social change, and the process of feminist research
    10. Reflections on a feminist research project: subjectivity and the wish for intimacy and equality
    11. Commentary: comments on 'Feminist research process'
    12. Batterers' experiences of being violent: a phenomenological study
    13. Commentary: existential phenomenology and feminist research: the exploration and exposition of women's lived experiences
    14. Beyond the measurement trap: a reconstructed conceptualization and measurement of women battering
    15. Commentary: multidimensional assessment of woman battering: commentary on Smith, Smith and Earp
    16. Exploring a teaching/research Nexus as a possible site for feminist methodological innovation in psychology
    17. Commentary: issues of power and risk at the heart of the teaching/research nexus
    18. Focus group: a feminist method
    19. Commentary: comments on 'focus groups'
    20. Women's perspectives on feminism: a Q-methodological study
    21. Commentary: researching subjectivity and diversity: Q-methodology in feminist psychology
    22. Keeping and crossing professional and racialized boundaries: implications for feminist practice
    23. Commentary: comments on 'Keeping and crossing professional and racialized boundaries'
    24. Negotiating the life narrative: a dialogue with an African American social worker
    25. Commentary: interpreting the life narrative: race, class, gender, and historical context
    26. Understanding graduate women's reentry experiences: case studies of four psychology doctoral students in a midwestern university
    27. Commentary: comments on 'Understanding graduate women's reentry experiences'
    28. Subject to romance: heterosexual passivity as an obstacle to women initiating condom use
    29. Commentary: comments on 'Subject to romance'
    30. Fundamentalism in psychological science: the publication manual as 'Bible'
    31. Commentary: how often do you read the Bible?
    32. Commentary: putting the APA Publication Manual in context
    33. Hearing voices: the uses of research and the politics of change
    34. Commentary: rattling cages: comments on 'Hearing voices'
    35. The view from down here: feminist graduate students consider innovative methodologies
    36. Innovative methods: resources for research, publishing and teaching

  • Editors

    Ellen B. Kimmel, University of South Florida

    Mary Crawford, University of Connecticut


    Cheryl Brown Travis, Nancy Felipe Russo, Mary Crawford, Ellen Kimmel, Deborah L. Tolman, Laura A. Szalacha, Jane M. Ussher, Elizabeth Merrick, Natalie Porter, Rebecca Campbell, Deborah A. Salem, Stephanie Riger, Community Education Team Wilfred Laurier University, Deborah Mahlstedt, Frances K. Grossman, Lou-Marie Kruger, Roslin P. Moore, Abigail J. Stewart, Alyssa N. Zucker, Ronda Redden Reitz, Michael G. Garko, Paige Hall Smith, Jason B. Smith, Jo Anne L. Earp, Mary Ann Dutton, Ann Weatherall, Hilary M. Lips, Sue Wilkinson, Rhoda K. Unger, Susan J. Snelling, Celia Kitzinger, Gill Aitken, Erica Burman, Christine Griffin, Faith H. McClure, Rosario Ceballo, Karen Fraser Wyche, Marjorie A. Padula, Dana L. Miller, Bernice Lott, Nicola Gavey, Kathryn McPhillips, Jeanne Marecek, Richard Walsh-Bowers, Hope Landrine, Elizabeth A. Klonoff, Glenda M. Russell, Janis S. Bohan, Ruth L. Hall, Sara Jaffee, Kristen C. Kling, E. Ashby Plant, Mathew Sloan, Janet Shibley Hyde, Mary Gergen, Joan C. Chrisler, Alice LoCicero

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