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The Blue-Coated Worker

The Blue-Coated Worker
A Sociological Study of Police Unionism


Part of Cambridge Studies in Sociology

  • Date Published: September 1978
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521294829

£ 30.99

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About the Authors
  • This 1978 book addresses the way in which police unions had become increasingly militant and formed a significant political force, demanding better pay and conditions and a say in social and penal policy. In this study, Robert Reiner considers the development of British police unionization, and the views of the police themselves towards unionism. Dr Reiner is able to relate these two issues to one another particularly insightfully as a result of his interviews with a sample of policemen in a large city force, which illustrate the policeman's world-view. The central contention of the book is that the police occupy a contradictory position in class structure. Economically they are employees who form unions to advance their interests like other workers, but their political role of preserving the social order imposes special inhibitions on the character of their unionism, and can alienate them from other trade unionists.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: September 1978
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521294829
    • length: 308 pages
    • dimensions: 229 x 152 x 18 mm
    • weight: 0.46kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Part I. Introduction and Historical Background:
    1. Introduction to the study of police unionism
    2. The history and structure of the Police Federation
    Part II. Police Attitudes to Unionism:
    3. Policemen's evaluation of the Federation
    4. Evaluation of specific Federation activities
    5. Policemen's desire for unionism
    6. The goals an institutionalisation of representation
    7. the Federationists and the men
    8. Attitudes to unionism outside the force
    Part III. The Police as an Occupation:
    9. The background and initial orientation of policemen
    10. Orientation to work
    11. Police and outside society
    12. Understanding police unionism a typology
    Part IV. Conclusions:
    13. Conclusions and implications of the study
    Postscript and appendices

  • Author

    Robert Reiner

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