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- Combined Science
- Cambridge IGCSE® Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences
- ISBN:9781316631072
- Format:DVD-ROM
- Subject(s):Combined Science
- Qualification:Cambridge IGCSE
- Author(s):Mary Jones, Richard Harwood, Ian Lodge, David Sang
- Available from: February 2017
The Cambridge IGCSE® Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences series is tailored to the 0653 and 0654 syllabuses for first examination in 2019, and all components of the series are endorsed by Cambridge International Examinations.
Cambridge IGCSE® Combined and Co-ordinated Science Teacher’s Resource is tailored to the Combined Science 0653 and Co-ordinated Sciences 0654 syllabuses for first examination in 2019 and is endorsed for teacher support by Cambridge International Examinations. Teachers are supported with planning, delivery and assessment with this dedicated DVD-ROM containing customisable and time-saving teaching guides for each chapter. From lesson planning, worksheets and homework ideas, to safety advice and guidance on tackling misconceptions; this comprehensive resource includes all the tools needed to deliver the new syllabuses with confidence.
- Contents
Customisable and time-saving teaching guides for each chapter including lesson plans, homework ideas and advice on common misunderstandings and misconceptions so as to support teachers from planning through to delivery.
Editable worksheets organised by chapter with notes and answers which provide flexibility and extra practice for students.
Guidance on practical activities with safety advice for teachers and technicians ensures that work carried out with due care.
Practice exam-style papers and mark schemes help students to prepare for their examinations and exercises their knowledge.
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