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Look Inside Memoirs of the Life of Charles Macklin, Esq.

Memoirs of the Life of Charles Macklin, Esq.
Principally Compiled from his Own Papers and Memorandums

Volume 1

$58.99 (R)

Part of Cambridge Library Collection - Literary Studies

  • Date Published: September 2013
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781108064668

$ 58.99 (R)

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About the Authors
  • Drawing on his own papers and first published in 1799, this two-volume account traces the colourful life of the actor and playwright Charles Macklin (c.1699–1797). His long career serves as the focal point in a history of the eighteenth-century theatre and its most celebrated performers. Hailed for his enduring interpretation of Shakespeare's Shylock, a role he played for some fifty years, Macklin has been credited with the theatre's move towards realism. His life was just as dramatic offstage, marked as it was by a series of controversies and fierce rivalries. In 1735 he was convicted of the manslaughter of a fellow actor in a quarrel over a wig, and in 1775 he successfully pressed charges of conspiracy against theatregoers who had rioted during his performances. Volume 1 covers Macklin's childhood and early career, including his trial for the killing of Thomas Hallam.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: September 2013
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781108064668
    • length: 500 pages
    • dimensions: 216 x 140 x 28 mm
    • weight: 0.63kg
    • contains: 1 b/w illus.
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    1. Mr Macklin's family
    2. Education
    3. The stage
    4. The Borough
    5. Mr Macklin's mother
    6. Macklin in London
    7. The theatre at Bristol
    8. Applies himself to study
    9. History of the theatres continued
    10. History of the theatres continued
    11. History of the theatres continued
    12. The Provok'd Wife
    13. Macklin's real age
    14. A stroller
    15. His first appearance
    16. The Miser
    17. The Haymarket theatre
    18. Quin mortified
    19. Macklin engages in a new plan
    20. Othello at Covent Garden
    21. Thinks about leaving the stage
    22. How he employs his time
    23. Mrs Macklin dies
    24. The Married Libertine
    25. Back to Ireland
    26. Miss Catley becomes a pupil.

  • Author

    James Thomas Kirkman

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