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Look Inside Travels of Pedro de Cieza de León, A.D. 1532–50

Travels of Pedro de Cieza de León, A.D. 1532–50
Contained in the First Part of his Chronicle of Peru

Volume 1

$68.99 (R)

Part of Cambridge Library Collection - Hakluyt First Series

  • Date Published: May 2010
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781108013345

$ 68.99 (R)

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About the Authors
  • The publications of the Hakluyt Society (founded in 1846) made available early accounts of exploration. The first series, which ran from 1847 to 1899, consists of 100 books containing published or previously unpublished works by authors from Christopher Columbus to Sir Francis Drake, and covering voyages to the New World, to China and Japan, to Russia and to Africa and India. Pedro de Cierza de León (c.1520–1554) was a Spanish solider who participated in many expeditions throughout South America. Between 1548 and 1553 he travelled across Peru, interviewing local officials and Inca prisoners and collecting information about the landscape and indigenous people. Volume 33 of the Hakluyt series, first published in 1874 and reissued here, begins the first English translation of his work, which was continued in Volume 68 (1883). This volume contains detailed descriptions of the geography of Peru and an ethnographical account of different indigenous cultures.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: May 2010
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781108013345
    • length: 524 pages
    • dimensions: 216 x 140 x 30 mm
    • weight: 0.66kg
    • contains: 1 map
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    1. Which treats of the discovery of the Indies
    2. Of the city of Panama
    3. Of the ports between Panama and the land of Peru
    4. Describes the navigation as far as the Callao of Lima
    5. Of the ports and rivers on the coast
    6. How the city of San Sebastian was founded
    7. How the barb is made so poisonous
    8. In which other customs of the Indians subject to the city of Uraba are described
    9. Of the road between the city of San Sebastian and the city of Antioquia
    10. Of the grandeur of the mountains of Abibe
    11. Of the cacique Nutibara, and of his territory
    12. Of the customs of those Indians
    13. Of the description of the province of Popayan
    14. Containing an account of the road between the city of Antioquia and the town of Anzerma
    15. Of the customs of the Indians of this land
    16. Of the customs of the Caciques and Indians in the neighbourhood of the town of Anzerma
    17. Concerning the provinces and towns between the city of Antioquia and the town of Arma
    18. Of the province of Arma
    19. The sacrifices offered up by these Indians
    20. Of the province of Paucura
    21. Of the Indians of Peru
    22. Of the province of Picara
    23. Of the province of Carrapa
    24. Of the province of Quinbaya
    25. In which the subjected of the preceding chapter is continued
    26. Which touches upon the provinces in this great and beautiful valley, up to the city of Cali
    27. Of the situation of the city of Cali
    28. Of the villages and chiefs of Indians who are within the jurisdiction of this city of Cali
    29. In which the matter relating to the city of Cali is concluded
    30. In which the road is described from the city of Cali to that of Popayan
    31. Concerning the river of Santa Martha
    32. In which the account of the villages and chiefs subject to the city of Popayan is concluded
    33. In which an account is given of what there is between Popayan and the city of Pasto
    34. In which the account of what there is in this country is concluded, as far as the boundary of Pasto
    35. Of the notable fountains and rivers in these provinces
    36. Which contains the description and appearance of the kingdom of Peru from the city of Quito to the town of La Plata
    37. Of the villages and provinces between the town of Pasto and the city of Quito
    38. In which it is stated who were the Kings Yncas, and how they ruled over Peru
    39. Of other villages and buildings between Carangue and the city of Quito
    40. Of the situation of the city of San Francisco del Quito
    41. Concerning the villages beyond Quito as far as the royal palaces of Tumebamba
    42. Of the other villages between Llacta-cunga and Riobamba
    43. Which treats of what there is to be said concerning the other Indian villages
    44. Concerning the grandeur of the rich palaces of Tumebamba
    45. Concerning the road which leads from the province of Quito to the coast of the South Sea
    46. In which an account is given of certain things relating to the province of Puerto Viejo
    47. Treating of the question whether the Indians of this province were conquered by the Yncas or not
    48. How these Indians were conquered by Huayna Ccapac
    49. Religious practices
    50. How in ancient times the Indians of Manta worshipped
    51. In which the account of the Indians of Puerto Viejo is finished
    52. Of the wells which there are at the point of Santa Elena
    53. Concerning the foundation of the city of Guayaquil
    54. Of the island of Pena, and of that of La Plata
    56. How the city of Santiago de Guayaquil was founded
    57. Of the Indian villages between the buildings of Tumebamba and the city of Loxa
    58. Concerning the provinces between Tamboblanco and the city of San Miguel
    59. In which the narrative is continued down to the foundation of the city of San Miguel
    60. Concerning the road which the Yncas ordered to be made
    61. How these Yuncas were very superstitious
    62. How the

  • Author

    Pedro de Cieza de León


    Clements R. Markham

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