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Look Inside Gold

Forgotten Histories and Lost Objects of Australia

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David Goodman, Paul Pickering, Graeme Davison, Charles Fahey, Barry McGowan, Ann Curthoys, Patrick Bertola, Bill Bunbury, Kim McKenzie, Carol Cooper, Ian Coates, David Raftery, Hank Nelson, Derek Elias, Margaret Anderson, Susan Lawrence, Suzanne Hunt, Tom Griffiths, Alan Platt, Dianne Reilly, Dorothy Erickson, Anita Callaway, Alexander Cook, Iain McCalman, Andrew Reeves
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  • Date Published: October 2011
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781107403536

$ 48.99 (G)

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About the Authors
  • A team of prominent historians and curators have produced this innovative cultural history of gold and its impact on the development of Australian society. Throughout history, gold has been the "stuff" of legends, fortunes, conflict and change. The discovery of gold in Australia 150 years ago precipitated enormous developments in the newly settled land. The population and economy boomed in spontaneous cities. The effects on both the environment and indigenous Aboriginal peoples have been profound and lasting.

    • Lavishly illustrated with colour wraps and halftones throughout
    • Vivid, readable stories that will appeal to general readers
    • An innovative and entertaining history of Australian culture
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    "All the contributions are well written and documented." Earth Sciences History

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    Product details

    • Date Published: October 2011
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781107403536
    • length: 394 pages
    • dimensions: 244 x 170 x 20 mm
    • weight: 0.63kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Part I:
    1. Making an edgier history of gold David Goodman
    2. 'The finger of God': gold's impact on New South Wales Paul Pickering
    3. Gold-rush Melbourne Graeme Davison
    4. Labour and trade unionism in Victorian goldmining: Bendigo, 1861–1915 Charles Fahey
    5. Mullock heaps and tailing mounds: the environmental effects of alluvial goldmining Barry McGowan
    Part II:
    6. 'Men of all nations, except Chinamen': Europeans and Chinese on the goldfields of New South Wales Ann Curthoys
    7. Undesirable persons: race and West Australian mining legislation Patrick Bertola
    8. Golden opportunities? Immigrant workers in Western Australia's eastern goldfields, 1900–65 Bill Bunbury
    Part III:
    9. Eyewitness? Drawings by Oscar of Cooktown Kim McKenzie and Carol Cooper
    10. Golden reflections: depictions of Aborigines on the North-West Australian goldfields Ian Coates
    11. Lasseter's stories: tending the ghosts of desert gold David Raftery
    12. Isla del Oro: seeking New Guinea gold Hank Nelson
    13. Jukurrpa - golden dreams Derek Elias
    Part IV:
    14. Mrs Charles Clancy, Lola Montez and Poll the grogseller: glimpses of women on the early Victorian goldfields Margaret Anderson
    15. After the gold rush: material culture and settlement on Victoria's central goldfields Susan Lawrence
    16. Vegetable plots and pleasure gardens of the Victorian goldfields Suzanne Hunt
    Part V:
    17. Edward Snell: sketching a fortune Tom Griffiths and Alan Platt
    18. Antoine Fauchery: a French artist's view of the goldfields Dianne Reilly
    19. Cinderella's jewellery: the gold-rush brooches of Western Australia Dorothy Erickson
    20. A broad brush dipped in gold: the expansion of Australian vision Anita Callaway.

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  • Editors

    Iain McCalman, Australian National University, Canberra

    Alexander Cook, King's College, Cambridge

    Andrew Reeves, National Museum of Australia, Canberra


    David Goodman, Paul Pickering, Graeme Davison, Charles Fahey, Barry McGowan, Ann Curthoys, Patrick Bertola, Bill Bunbury, Kim McKenzie, Carol Cooper, Ian Coates, David Raftery, Hank Nelson, Derek Elias, Margaret Anderson, Susan Lawrence, Suzanne Hunt, Tom Griffiths, Alan Platt, Dianne Reilly, Dorothy Erickson, Anita Callaway, Alexander Cook, Iain McCalman, Andrew Reeves

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