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Peace and Prosperity through World Trade
Achieving the 2019 Vision

$43.99 (P)

Peter Sutherland, Victor Fung, Jean Pierre Lehmann, Kishore Mahbubani, James Bacchus, Fan Gang, Ed Gresser, Raju Kanoria, Shujiro Urata, Soogil Young, Natasha Hanshaw, Fredrik Erixon, Fabrice Lehmann, Felix Peña, Umberto Celli, Abdulaziz Sager, Mills Soko, Richard Higgott, Patrick Messerlin, Uri Dadush, Simon Evenett, Richard Newfarmer, Elisa Gamberoni, Bruce Stokes, Paola Subacchi, Carolyn Deere-Birkbeck, Mark Halle, Pradeep Mehta, Carlos Braga, Veena Jha, Marion Jensen, Faizel Ismail, Iqbal Quadir, Franklin Cudjoe, Haifa Al-Kaylani, Bright Simons, Karen Wilson, Talaat Abdel-Malek, Ricardo Melendez-Ortiz, Doaa Abdel-Motaal, Chandran Nair, Alexander van de Putte, Manzoor Ahmad, Herbert Oberhänsli, Nidal Salim, Nina Ninkovic, Marc Laperrouza, Cho-Oon Khong, John Wells, Surendra Munshi, Arthur Appleton, Stewart Hamilton, Bill Fischer, Martin Wassell, Thierry Malleret, Mike Garrett, Ravi Chaudhry, Céline Charveriat, Romain Benicchio, Valérie Engammare
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  • Date Published: November 2010
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521169004

$ 43.99 (P)

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About the Authors
  • The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) was created in 1919 by business leaders who described themselves as ‘merchants of peace' and whose motto was ‘world peace through world trade'. Since then a number of initiatives, including the founding of the WTO in 1995, have provided the proper regulatory conditions for a dramatic increase in world trade. This has generated unprecedented growth and allowed many countries to enjoy great gains in wealth and welfare. Yet despite these gains we are still far from achieving the ICC's goal of world peace through world trade. This book provides a broad overview of the forces that shape international trade and global interdependence, showing business leaders and entrepreneurs how we can address the shortcomings of the multilateral trading system. Most importantly, it shows how we can turn international trade into one of the key global instruments to achieve peace and prosperity in the twenty-first century.

    • Informative guide to the business, political and legal environment for international trade
    • Describes the pressing global challenges facing policy makers and business leaders
    • Explores the contribution demanded of responsible business leadership
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    Reviews & endorsements

    “Compiled by The Evian Group on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the International Chamber of Commerce, this clear and accessible book walks the reader through the complex dynamics of international trade. It reminds us that much of the global interconnection that we have achieved today was charted by the world's ‘merchants of peace’: traders, who brought societies ever closer together, by promoting the movement of goods, services and people across the globe. In analysing the challenges that they face in today's turbulent economic times, the book confirms the centrality of trade to peaceful international relations.”
    – Pascal Lamy, Director General, WTO

    "This excellent compilation by more than fifty authors of diverse nationalities, perspectives and generations, underlines the powerful impact that trade has had on generating peace and prosperity in the past and the role it can play for the future. In the great transformation now occurring with the rise of the global South, Peace and Prosperity Through World Trade sheds light on the way forward and the absolute imperative of maintaining a robust multilateral rules-based trading system."
    – Montek Singh Ahluwalia, Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission, India

    "In Korea we are acutely aware of how vital trade has been to generating our prosperity and maintaining peace. Peace and Prosperity Through World Trade is a remarkable compilation of numerous trade experts, policy makers and practitioners from all parts of the world that focus on the centrality of trade in global affairs. It should be read by leaders of the G20 and serve as a guide for ensuring that in the decade ahead we navigate successfully through the turbulent global economic waters."
    – SaKong Il, Chairman, Seoul G20 Summit Preparation Committee

    "As a business leader from Africa, I deeply welcome the publication of Peace and Prosperity Through World Trade as it serves so well to enlighten the future by throwing light on the past. There is a clear correlation between trade, peace and prosperity. The books adopts a truly global approach to the great benefits that the world, especially the South, will obtain if we can fashion a robust, sustainable and especially equitable multilateral trading system. It should be widely read by policy makers and business executives in both North and South."
    – Salim Ismail, Chairman and CEO, Group Socota, Madagascar

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    Product details

    • Date Published: November 2010
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521169004
    • length: 336 pages
    • dimensions: 229 x 152 x 19 mm
    • weight: 0.54kg
    • contains: 20 b/w illus. 1 table
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    List of illustrations
    List of contributors
    Preface: the ICC vision
    Historical overview
    Editorial note
    Part I. Global Systemic Transformations: Editorial introduction
    1. Trade in the new Asian hemisphere
    2. US allegiance to the multilateral trading system: from ambivalence to shared leadership
    3. Trade for development: the case of China
    4. Trade in the US-China relationship
    5. Unravelling India and strengthening external engagement for sustainable growth
    6. Japan's contribution to an open trading system
    7. Rebalancing Korean trade policy: from bilateral to multilateral free trade
    8. Vietnam: a rising Asian tiger?
    9. The European compact on trade still stands
    10. Synergies with the Russian Federation
    11. Reasons for an optimistic future view of trade and Latin America
    12. Is the Brazilian giant finally awakening?
    13. The Arab region and the GCC in tomorrow's trade
    14. Growing African trade amid global economic turmoil
    Part II. Governance of Global Trade: Editorial introduction
    15. Securing the global trade regime: the demand for global governance
    16. Trade and the future of the WTO
    17. WTO reform: time to start is now
    18. 'Murky protectionism' and the WTO
    19. Preferential trade agreements: imagining a world with less discrimination
    20. The G20 after the Great Recession: rebalancing trade
    21. The missing piece: global imbalances and the exchange rate regime
    22. Trading knowledge fairly: intellectual property rules for global prosperity and environmental sustainability
    23. Trade and subsidies: undermining the trading system with public funds
    24. Trading labour: a dilemma for migration regimes
    Part III. Poverty and Global Inequities: Editorial introduction
    25. Trade and poverty: an old debate rekindled
    26. Trade policy as an instrument of social justice
    27. Trade, employment and global responsibilities
    28. Misconceptions about the WTO, trade, development and aid
    29. Two hundred years after Jefferson
    30. Trade, coercive forces and national governance
    31. Gender equality in trade
    32. Trading health for comfort
    33. Unlocking entrepreneurial potential
    34. Trade and security: a vital link to sustainable development in a troubled world
    Part IV. Long View on Interlocking Crises: Editorial introduction
    35. Trade and sustainable development: the ends must shape the means
    36. Trade and climate change: the linkage
    37. Destructive trade winds: trade, consumption and resource constraints
    38. Trade and energy: a new clean energy deal
    39. Agriculture and international trade
    40. Water scarcity: how trade can make a difference
    41. Water resources: a national security issue for the Middle East
    42. Trade, technology transfer and institutional catch-up
    43. A frail reed: the geopolitics of climate change
    Part V. Global Business Responsibilities: Editorial introduction
    44. Responsible leadership
    45. For great leadership
    46. A lesson on trade, regulation and competition policy?
    47. International trade and business ethics
    48. Who's driving 21st century innovation? Who should?
    49. Responsible sourcing
    50. Trade, international capital flows and risk management
    51. Trade, corporate strategies and development
    52. How can trade lead to inclusive growth?
    53. Trade and human rights: friends or foes?
    54. Trade: the spirit and rule of law

  • Editors

    Jean-Pierre Lehmann, IMD
    Jean-Pierre Lehmann is Professor of International Political Economy and Founding Director of the Evian Group at IMD, Lausanne. Following an academic and consulting career primarily in Asia and Europe, he founded the Evian Group in 1995 and joined IMD in 1997. He frequently participates in global policy forums and is a compulsive writer of articles and briefs on numerous issues related to international economic and political affairs and global governance.

    Fabrice Lehmann, Evian Group at IMD
    Fabrice Lehmann is Research Associate and Editor with the Evian Group at IMD, Lausanne. In this capacity, he has drafted numerous reports for a global audience on the ongoing Doha Round of trade negotiations at the WTO, as well as the UNFCCC climate change negotiations, with special attention to the linkages between these negotiations.


    Peter Sutherland, Victor Fung, Jean Pierre Lehmann, Kishore Mahbubani, James Bacchus, Fan Gang, Ed Gresser, Raju Kanoria, Shujiro Urata, Soogil Young, Natasha Hanshaw, Fredrik Erixon, Fabrice Lehmann, Felix Peña, Umberto Celli, Abdulaziz Sager, Mills Soko, Richard Higgott, Patrick Messerlin, Uri Dadush, Simon Evenett, Richard Newfarmer, Elisa Gamberoni, Bruce Stokes, Paola Subacchi, Carolyn Deere-Birkbeck, Mark Halle, Pradeep Mehta, Carlos Braga, Veena Jha, Marion Jensen, Faizel Ismail, Iqbal Quadir, Franklin Cudjoe, Haifa Al-Kaylani, Bright Simons, Karen Wilson, Talaat Abdel-Malek, Ricardo Melendez-Ortiz, Doaa Abdel-Motaal, Chandran Nair, Alexander van de Putte, Manzoor Ahmad, Herbert Oberhänsli, Nidal Salim, Nina Ninkovic, Marc Laperrouza, Cho-Oon Khong, John Wells, Surendra Munshi, Arthur Appleton, Stewart Hamilton, Bill Fischer, Martin Wassell, Thierry Malleret, Mike Garrett, Ravi Chaudhry, Céline Charveriat, Romain Benicchio, Valérie Engammare

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