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Analytics for Leaders
A Performance Measurement System for Business Success

$29.99 (P)

  • Date Published: December 2013
  • availability: Available
  • format: Hardback
  • isbn: 9781107045569

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About the Authors
  • Analytics for Leaders provides a concise, readable account of a complete system of performance measurement for an enterprise. Based on over twenty years of research and development, the system is designed to provide people at all levels with the quantitative information they need to do their jobs: board members to exercise due diligence about all facets of the business, leaders to decide where to focus attention next, and people to carry out their work well. For senior officers, chapter openers provide quick overviews about the overall approach to a particular stakeholder group and how to connect overall performance measures to business impact. For MBA students, extensive supporting notes and references provide in-depth understanding. For researchers and practitioners, a generic statistical approach is described to encourage new ways of tackling performance measurement issues. The book is relevant to all types of enterprise, large or small, public or private, academic or governmental.

    • An easy-to-understand, practical introduction to a novel system of performance measurement that will improve business success
    • The performance system described in the book has been developed and tested over many years, in numerous case studies and in a wide variety of public, private and governmental enterprises around the world
    • The book is structured so that the system is described in ways suited to several audiences, for example, quick overviews for CEOs, in-depth endnotes and references for students, and operational details for practitioners
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    Reviews & endorsements

    “Brilliant and right on the mark.”
    Robert Burke, former CEO of Century Oils Australia and Fuchs Australia; Program Leader for the Mt Eliza Executive Education programs at Melbourne Business School

    “Analytics for Leaders is the definitive work on how to measure an enterprise's performance, and how to analyze the resulting data. The purpose of the measurement design and analysis is producing actionable results to improve performance. Nick Fisher provides not just tools, but much detail on how to implement them. The Fisher system applies to big and small enterprises, and to any type: corporate, governmental, academic, etc. The book targets enterprise leaders, who play a critical role in developing plans for those enterprise issues to be studied using the system. It also targets those whom leaders select to implement the plan. This book will serve as an excellent text for an academic program. Nick Fisher's writing is organized step-by-step in a logical way, and is marvellously lucid.”
    William S. Cleveland, Shanti S. Gupta Distinguished Professor of Statistics, Purdue University

    “Groundbreaking and significant contribution to business management on how to create value for not only shareholders but also customers, employees, suppliers and the community.”
    Ray Kordupleski, President of CVM, Inc. and author of Mastering Customer Value Management

    “It’s not often you come across a book that helps push back the uncertainty fog. Analytics for Leaders does just that! What are the real drivers of your organisation and how do you measure/predict them? These are the questions that every board should ask if they wish to thrive in our competitive environment. I recommend this book as an essential primer to all directors who wish to add value to their organisations.”
    John Manusu, Managing Director, PrIME Biologics Pte Ltd, Singapore

    “Inspirational! Dr Fisher's model is comprehensive, rational and easily justifiable. At last a performance measurement methodology which rests comfortably with scientists and engineers!”
    Terry Moss, Eskom

    "I found the content highly relevant (great to see a book focusing on real value creation for all stakeholders), succinct, and with nice simple flow charts and process tools to measure and to achieve desired outcomes. It was an easy read and I will recommend it to my colleagues."
    David Malcolm Keefe, Non Executive Independent Chairman, Arowana International Ltd

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    Product details

    • Date Published: December 2013
    • format: Hardback
    • isbn: 9781107045569
    • length: 241 pages
    • dimensions: 235 x 157 x 18 mm
    • weight: 0.48kg
    • contains: 53 b/w illus. 38 tables
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    1. How's your due diligence?
    2. Introduction to the system
    3. A framework for performance measurement
    4. What is stakeholder value?
    5. Adding value for customers
    6. Adding value for people
    7. Adding value for partners
    8. Adding value for the community
    9. Adding value for the owners
    10. What to report and how to report it
    11. How to get started
    12. The performance measurement framework: assessment and adoption
    13. Practical aspects of managing stakeholder value
    14. Performance measurement for small and medium enterprises
    15. Appendix: don't be fooled by statistics

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    Analytics for Leaders

    N. I. Fisher

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  • Author

    N. I. Fisher, ValueMetrics, Australia
    N. I. Fisher is the founder of ValueMetrics Australia, an enterprise that carries out research and consulting primarily in the area of performance measurement. Dr Fisher carries out R&D projects around the world, with particular emphasis on improving quantitative reports to boards and top management. His more recent work has focused on measuring research quality and measurement of public policy. He is also a Visiting Professor of Statistics at the University of Sydney.

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