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Combinatorics and Probability

Combinatorics and Probability

$190.00 (C)

Noga Alon, Y. Kohayakawa, C. Mauduit, V. R. Rödl, Michael Krivelevich, Benny Sudakov, Richard Arratia, A. D. Barbour, Simon Tavaré, József Beck, N. Berger, C. Borgs, J. T. Chayes, R. M. D'Souza, R. D. Kleinberg, Béla Bollobás, Alexandr Kostochka, Kittikorn Nakprasit, M. Bordewich, M. Freedman, L. Lovász, D. Welsh, Henning Bruhn, Reinhard Diestel, Peter J. Cameron, Jaroslav Ne∫etril, Fan Chung, Edward Dobson, Ehud Friedgut, Jeff Kahn, Alan Frieze, Michael Krivelevich, Oleg Pikhurko, Tibor Szabó, Zoltán Füredi, Gyula O. H. Katona, Miklós Simonovits, W. T. Gowers, Ervin Gyori, Penny Haxell, Svante Janson, Ayman Khalfalah, Endre Szemerédi, B. Klartag, V. Milman, Assaf Naor, Jacques Verstraëte, V. Nikiforov, C. C. Rousseau, R. H. Schelp, Patrice Ossona de Mendez, Pierre Rosenstiehl, Richard G. E. Pinch, Boris Pittel, Oliver Riordan, Vojtech Rödl, Andrzej Rucinski, Alexander D. Scott, Alan D. Sokal, Gregory B. Sorkin
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  • Date Published: April 2007
  • availability: Available
  • format: Hardback
  • isbn: 9780521872072

$ 190.00 (C)

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About the Authors
  • Combinatorics is an area of mathematics involving an impressive breadth of ideas, and it encompasses topics ranging from codes and circuit design to algorithmic complexity and algebraic graph theory. In a highly distinguished career Béla Bollobás has made, and continues to make, many significant contributions to combinatorics, and this volume reflects the wide range of topics on which his work has had a major influence. It arises from a conference organized to mark his 60th birthday and the thirty-one articles contained here are of the highest calibre. That so many excellent mathematicians have contributed is testament to the very high regard in which Béla Bollobás is held. Students and researchers across combinatorics and related fields will find that this volume provides a wealth of insight to the state of the art.

    • Volume celebrating the 60th birthday of Béla Bollobás, highlighting the significant contributions he has made during his distinguished career
    • Contributors of the highest calibre present the current state of the art in combinatorics and related fields
    • Encompasses wide range of topics, ranging from codes and circuit design to algorithmic complexity and algebraic graph theory
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    Reviews & endorsements

    "... very impressed, and even surprised, by the breadth of the articles of the collection. (Of course, the depth is impressive, too, but that is not surprising, given the pedigree of the contributors.)
    Miklos Bona, MAA Reviews

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    Product details

    • Date Published: April 2007
    • format: Hardback
    • isbn: 9780521872072
    • length: 660 pages
    • dimensions: 253 x 178 x 37 mm
    • weight: 1.452kg
    • contains: 31 b/w illus. 4 tables 6 exercises
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    1. Measures of pseudorandomness for finite sequences: minimal values N. Alon, Y. Kohayakawa, C. Mauduit and V. R. Rödl
    2. MaxCut in H-Free graphs Noga Alon, Michael Krivelevich and Benny Sudakov
    3. A tale of three couplings: Poisson–Dirichlet and GEM approximations for random permutations Richard Arratia, A. D. Barbour and Simon Tavaré
    4. Positional games József Beck
    5. Degree distribution of competition-induced preferential attachment graphs N. Berger, C. Borgs, J. T. Chayes, R. M. D'Souza and R. D. Kleinberg
    6. On two conjectures on packing of graphs Béla Bollobás, Alexandr Kostochka and Kittikorn Nakprasit
    7. Approximate counting and quantum computation M. Bordewich, M. Freedman, L. Lovász and D. Welsh
    8. Absence of zeros for the chromatic polynomial on bounded degree graphs Christian Borgs
    9. Duality in infinite graphs Henning Bruhn and Reinhard Diestel
    10. Homomorphism-homogeneous relational structures Peter J. Cameron and Jaroslav Ne∫etril
    11. A spectral Turán theorem Fan Chung
    12. Automorphism groups of metacirculant graphs of order a product of two distinct primes Edward Dobson
    13. On the number of Hamiltonian cycles in a tournament Ehud Friedgut and Jeff Kahn
    14. The game of JumbleG Alan Frieze, Michael Krivelevich, Oleg Pikhurko and Tibor Szabó
    15. 2-Bases of quadruples Zoltán Füredi and Gyula O. H. Katona
    16. On triple systems with independent neighbourhoods Zoltán Füredi, Oleg Pikhurko and Miklós Simonovits
    17. Quasirandomness, counting and regularity for 3-uniform hypergraphs W. T. Gowers
    18. Triangle-free hypergraphs Ervin Gyori
    19. Odd independent transversals are odd Penny Haxell and Tibor Szabó
    20. The first eigenvalue of random graphs Svante Janson
    21. On the number of monochromatic solutions of x + y = z2 Ayman Khalfalah and Endre Szemerédi
    22. Rapid Steiner symmetrization of most of a convex body and the slicing problem B. Klartag and V. Milman
    23. A note on bipartite graphs wthout 2k-cycles Assaf Naor and Jacques Verstraëte
    24. Book Ramsey numbers and quasi-eandomness V. Nikiforov, C. C. Rousseau and R. H. Schelp
    25. Homomorphism and dimension Patrice Ossona de Mendez and Pierre Rosenstiehl
    26. The distance of a permutation from a subgroup of Sn Richard G. E. Pinch
    27. On dimensions of a random solid diagram Boris Pittel
    28. The small giant component in scale-free random graphs Oliver Riordan
    29. A Dirac-type theorem for 3-uniform hypergraphs Vojtech Rödl, Andrzej Rucinski and Endre Szemerédi
    30. On dependency graphs and the lattice gas Alexander D. Scott and Alan D. Sokal
    31. Solving sparse random instances of max cut and max 2-CSP in linear expected time Alexander D. Scott and Gregory B. Sorkin.

  • Editors

    Graham Brightwell, London School of Economics and Political Science

    Imre Leader, University of Cambridge

    Alex Scott, University of Oxford

    Andrew Thomason, University of Cambridge


    Noga Alon, Y. Kohayakawa, C. Mauduit, V. R. Rödl, Michael Krivelevich, Benny Sudakov, Richard Arratia, A. D. Barbour, Simon Tavaré, József Beck, N. Berger, C. Borgs, J. T. Chayes, R. M. D'Souza, R. D. Kleinberg, Béla Bollobás, Alexandr Kostochka, Kittikorn Nakprasit, M. Bordewich, M. Freedman, L. Lovász, D. Welsh, Henning Bruhn, Reinhard Diestel, Peter J. Cameron, Jaroslav Ne∫etril, Fan Chung, Edward Dobson, Ehud Friedgut, Jeff Kahn, Alan Frieze, Michael Krivelevich, Oleg Pikhurko, Tibor Szabó, Zoltán Füredi, Gyula O. H. Katona, Miklós Simonovits, W. T. Gowers, Ervin Gyori, Penny Haxell, Svante Janson, Ayman Khalfalah, Endre Szemerédi, B. Klartag, V. Milman, Assaf Naor, Jacques Verstraëte, V. Nikiforov, C. C. Rousseau, R. H. Schelp, Patrice Ossona de Mendez, Pierre Rosenstiehl, Richard G. E. Pinch, Boris Pittel, Oliver Riordan, Vojtech Rödl, Andrzej Rucinski, Alexander D. Scott, Alan D. Sokal, Gregory B. Sorkin

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