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The Scientific Papers of Sir Geoffrey Ingram Taylor

The Scientific Papers of Sir Geoffrey Ingram Taylor

Volume 3. Aerodynamics and the Mechanics of Projectiles and Explosions

$75.99 (C)

C. F. Sharman, J. W. Maccoll, R. M. Davies, H. Jones, G. K. Batchelor, P. G. Saffman
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  • Date Published: April 2011
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521159043

$ 75.99 (C)

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About the Authors
  • Sir Geoffrey Ingram Taylor (1886–1975) was a physicist, mathematician and expert on fluid dynamics and wave theory. He is widely considered to be one of the greatest physical scientists of the twentieth century. Across these four volumes, published between the years 1958 and 1971, Batchelor has collected together almost 200 of Sir Geoffrey Ingram Taylor's papers. The papers of the first three volumes are grouped approximately by subject, with Volume IV collating a number of miscellaneous papers on the mechanics of fluids. Together, these volumes allow a thorough exploration of the breadth and diversity of Sir Taylor's interests within the field of fluid dynamics. At the end of Volume IV, Batchelor provides the reader with both a chronological list of the papers presented across all four volumes, and a list of Sir Geoffrey Taylor's other published articles, completing this truly invaluable research and reference work.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: April 2011
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521159043
    • length: 590 pages
    • dimensions: 244 x 170 x 30 mm
    • weight: 0.93kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    1. The conditions necessary for discontinuous motion in gases
    2. The use of fin surface to stabilize a weight towed from an aeroplane
    3. Pressure distribution round a cylinder
    4. Pressure distribution over the wing of an aeroplane in flight
    5. On the shapes of parachutes
    6. Scientific methods in aeronautics
    7. The 'rotational inflow factor' in propeller theory
    8. Notes on Mr Glauert's paper, 'An Aerodynamic Theory of the Airscrew'
    9. The singing of wires in a wind
    10. Note on the connection between the lift on an aerofoil in a wind and the circulation round it
    11. A manometer for use with small pitot tubes
    12. The energy of a body moving in an infinite fluid, with an application to airships
    13. The forces on a body placed in a curved or converging stream of fluid
    14. A mechanical method for solving problems of flow in compressible fluids
    15. The flow of air at high speeds past curved surfaces
    16. Some cases of flow of compressible fluids
    17. Recent work on the flow of compressible fluids
    18. Application to aeronautics of Ackeret's theory of aerofoils moving at speeds greater than that of sound
    19. The air pressure on a cone moving at high speeds, I
    20. The air pressure on a cone moving at high speeds, II
    21. The determination of drag by the pitot traverse method
    22. Determination of the pressure inside a hollow body in which there are a number of holes communicating with variable pressures outside
    23. The propagation and decay of blast waves
    24. Notes on possible equipment and technique for experiments on icing on aircraft
    25. Generation of ripples by wind blowing over a viscous fluid
    26. Notes on the dynamics of shock-waves from bare explosive charges
    27. Pressures on solid bodies near an explosion
    28. The stagnation temperature in a wake
    29. The propagation of blast waves over the ground
    30. Analysis of the explosion of a long cylindrical bomb detonated at one end
    31. The pressures and impulses of submarine explosion waves on plates
    32. The dispersion of jets of metals of low melting point in water
    33. The motion of a body in water when subjected to a sudden impulse
    34. Note on the lateral expansion behind a detonation wave
    35. The effect of the method of support in tests of damage to thin-walled structures by underwater explosions
    36. The vertical motion of a spherical bubble and the pressure and the pressure surrounding it
    37. The motion and shape of the hollow produced by an explosion in a liquid
    38. Experiments with 1/76-scale model of explosions near ½-scale asset target
    39. A formulation of Mr Tuck's conception of Munroe jets
    40. Blast impulse and fragment velocities from cased charges
    41. Note on the limiting ranges of large rockets
    42. The bursting of cylindrical cased charges
    43. Air resistance of a flat plate of very porous material
    44. The fragmentation of tubular bombs
    45. The aerodynamics of porous sheets
    46. Pitot pressure in moist air
    47. The air wave surrounding an expanding sphere
    48. The mechanics of swirl atomisers
    49. The effect of wire gauze on small disturbances in a uniform stream
    50. The shape and acceleration of a drop in a high-speed air stream
    51. The dynamics of the combustion products behind planes and spherical detonation fronts in explosives
    52. The mechanics of large bubbles rising through extended liquids and through liquids in tubes
    53. The formation of a blast wave from a very intense explosion, I: theoretical discussion
    54. The formation of a blast wave from a very intense explosion, II: the atomic explosion of 1945
    55. The boundary layer in the converging nozzle of a swirl atomiser
    56. The instability of liquid surfaces when accelerated in a direction perpendicular to their planes, I
    57. The use of a vertical air jet as a windscreen
    58. Effects of compressibility at low Reynolds number.

  • Editor

    G. K. Batchelor


    C. F. Sharman, J. W. Maccoll, R. M. Davies, H. Jones, G. K. Batchelor, P. G. Saffman

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