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Advanced Research Methods for the Social and Behavioral Sciences

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John E. Edlund, Austin Lee Nichols, Michael F. Wagner, John J. Skowronski, Sinikka Elliott, Rosanna E. Guadagno, David S. Festinger, Karen L. Dugosh, Esther Choi, Chloe Sierka, Elena C. Papanastasiou, David B. Strohmetz, Ginette C. Blackhart, Travis D. Clark, Eric J. Vanman, Michael C. Philipp, Jeff B. Pelz, Heather M. Stassen, Heather J. Carmack, Jeremy D. Heider, Jason T. Reed, Courtney K. Soderberg, Timothy M. Errington, Ignacio Ferrero, Javier Pinto, Rachel Adams Goertel, James P. Goertel, Mary G. Carey, Fons J. R. van de Vijver, Milica Miočević, Rens van de Schoot, Clifford E. Hauenstein, Susan E. Embretson, Sebastian Leon Schorch, Eric Quintane, Gregory D. Webster
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  • Date Published: April 2019
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781108441919

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About the Authors
  • Written by an interdisciplinary team of global experts covering diverse research methods - including research design, research tools, and statistical techniques - this volume focuses on advanced research methods for anyone working in the social and behavioral sciences. The information needed to perform research in the laboratory, the field, or online is mapped out to provide specific applications and tools in applying each method. The issues surrounding reliability, validity, and obtaining consent are explained alongside detailed descriptions of the impact of pre-knowledge on participant behavior, the ways that researchers unintentionally influence participants, and tips on administering suspicion probes and debriefings. The book then lays out bio-physiological measures, eye-tracking methods and technologies, the construction of questionnaires, and reaction-time methodologies without assuming too much prior knowledge. The basics of Bayesian analysis, item response analysis, social network analysis, and meta-analysis are also summarised as the editors combine innovative methods and statistics to showcase how to perform quality research.

    • A research methods volume written for advanced undergraduate students, graduate students, and those who already have a Ph.D. across the social and behavioral sciences
    • Contains contributors that span the social and behavioral sciences to allow for a better understanding of performing research within and across multiple disciplines
    • Supplies specific applications and tools to use in applying each method
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    Product details

    • Date Published: April 2019
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781108441919
    • length: 386 pages
    • dimensions: 253 x 178 x 18 mm
    • weight: 0.82kg
    • contains: 47 b/w illus. 8 tables
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    List of figures
    List of tables
    List of contributors
    1. A brief orientation to research methods and statistics for the social and behavioral sciences John E. Edlund and Austin Lee Nichols
    Part I. Performing Good Research:
    2. Reliability and validity of measurement in the social and behavioral sciences Michael F. Wagner and John J. Skowronski
    3. Performing research in the laboratory Austin Lee Nichols and John E. Edlund
    4. Field research Sinikka Elliott
    5. Using the internet for research Rosanna E. Guadagno
    Part II. Understanding Issues Present throughout the Research Process:
    6. Issues in informed consent David S. Festinger, Karen L. Dugosh, Esther Choi and Chloe Sierka
    7. Participant preknowledge and attitudes in research Elena C. Papanastasiou
    8. Experimenter effects David B. Strohmetz
    9. Suspicion probes and debriefing in the social and behavioral sciences Ginette C. Blackhart and Travis D. Clark
    Part III. The Social and Behavioral Scientist's Toolkit:
    10. Physiological measures Eric J. Vanman and Michael C. Philipp
    11. Eyetracking research Jeff B. Pelz
    12. Questionnaire design Heather M. Stassen and Heather J. Carmack
    13. Reaction time measures in the social and behavioral sciences: speed matters Jeremy D. Heider and Jason T. Reed
    Part IV. Emerging Issues in Social and Behavioral Science Research:
    14. Replications and the social and behavioural sciences Courtney K. Soderberg and Timothy M. Errington
    15. Research ethics for the social and behavioral sciences Ignacio Ferrero and Javier Pinto
    16. Interdisciplinary research Rachel Adams Goertel, James P. Goertel and Mary G. Carey
    17. Cross-cultural research Fons J. R. van de Vijver
    Part V. New Statistical Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences:
    18. A gentle introduction to Bayesian statistics Milica Miočević and Rens van de Schoot
    19. Development and applications of item response theory Clifford E. Hauenstein and Susan E. Embretson
    20. Social network analysis Sebastian Leon Schorch and Eric Quintane
    21. Meta analysis: an introduction Gregory D. Webster
    Appendix A: Metafor package R code for meta-analysis examples

  • Editors

    John E. Edlund, Rochester Institute of Technology, New York
    John E. Edlund is Associate Professor of Psychology at the Rochester Institute of Technology, New York, and serves as the Research Director of Psi Chi: The International Honor Society in Psychology. He has won numerous awards related to teaching and is passionate about the dissemination of psychological knowledge to the world.

    Austin Lee Nichols, Connection Lab
    Austin Lee Nichols is the Director of Research for the Connection Lab in San Francisco. Prior to this, he worked in various faculty positions around the world in both psychology and management. He has won awards for his teaching, research, and service from various international organizations.


    John E. Edlund, Austin Lee Nichols, Michael F. Wagner, John J. Skowronski, Sinikka Elliott, Rosanna E. Guadagno, David S. Festinger, Karen L. Dugosh, Esther Choi, Chloe Sierka, Elena C. Papanastasiou, David B. Strohmetz, Ginette C. Blackhart, Travis D. Clark, Eric J. Vanman, Michael C. Philipp, Jeff B. Pelz, Heather M. Stassen, Heather J. Carmack, Jeremy D. Heider, Jason T. Reed, Courtney K. Soderberg, Timothy M. Errington, Ignacio Ferrero, Javier Pinto, Rachel Adams Goertel, James P. Goertel, Mary G. Carey, Fons J. R. van de Vijver, Milica Miočević, Rens van de Schoot, Clifford E. Hauenstein, Susan E. Embretson, Sebastian Leon Schorch, Eric Quintane, Gregory D. Webster

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