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Sequential Analysis
A Guide for Behavioral Researchers

$56.99 (C)

  • Date Published: June 2008
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521067317

$ 56.99 (C)

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About the Authors
  • Sequential Analysis aims to detect the recurring sequential patterns in a stream of coding categories describing social interaction. These techniques can be employed to study the repertoires of individuals and of dyads and groups. This book is a sequel to Bakeman and Gottman's Observing Interaction: An Introduction to Sequential Analysis (CUP, 1986). It constitutes the first integrated presentation of the major methods of sequential analysis. Gottman and Roy review historical approaches such as stationarity, order, homogeneity, pooling data across subjects, and autocorrelation in inferring cross-correlation. The integrated application of techniques is also discussed. Addressing the behavioral scientist, the authors provide many examples and illustrate everyday computations. They also offer guides to existing computer programs.

    Reviews & endorsements

    "...a reasonably comprehensive introduction to the topic, with an extensive bibliography to help those readers who wish to pursue further reading. The coverage of research literature is impressively up to date. The derivations of statistical models and procedures are generally very clear and technically sound. I particularly like the authors' approach to data analysis, which stresses working within a framework provided by substantive theory rather than testing parametric variations of a model....To those researchers whose substantive research questions are leading them into the new territory of sequential analysis, I recommend this book. A careful reading will help most invesigators gain the skills necessary to begin applying sequential analysis, and will point them in the right direction for gaining additional expertise." Linda M. Collins, Merrill-Palmer Quarterly

    "...the reader who is interested in exploring sequential analysis can do no better than to begin with this book..." Dennis Delprato, The Psychological Record

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    Product details

    • Date Published: June 2008
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521067317
    • length: 288 pages
    • dimensions: 228 x 151 x 18 mm
    • weight: 0.44kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Reading this book quickly
    Part I. Introduction:
    1. Advertisement
    2. History
    3. The language of sequential analysis
    Part II. Fitting the Timetable:
    4. The order of the Markov chain
    5. Stationarity of the Markov chain
    6. Homogeneity
    7. Everyday computations of stationarity, order and homogeneity
    8. Sampling distributions
    9. Lag sequential analysis
    Part III. The Timetable and the Contextual Design:
    10. Log-linear models
    11. Log-linear models: review and examples
    12. A single case analysis of the timetable
    13. Logit models and logistic regression
    14. The problem of autocontingency and its solutions
    15. Recent advances: a brief overview
    16. A brief summary

  • Authors

    John Mordechai Gottman

    Anup Kumar Roy, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

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