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- Careers
- ISBN:9781316604076
- Format:Paperback
- Subject(s):Computer Science
- Qualification:CBSE
- Author(s):Vaishali Sharma
- Available from: September 2015
Terabytes—Connect with Computers is an eight-level series of textbooks for students.
Terabytes—Connect with Computers is an eight-level series of textbooks for students. This course is based on Windows 7 and Microsoft Office 2010 with updates on Windows 8.1 and Microsoft Office 2013.
- Contents
Connect helps to reiterate the concepts learnt earlier.
Learn outlines the learning objectives of the chapter.
Task provides an introduction to the day-to-day life tasks for practical hands-on experience.
Activity includes activities that are a part of task-based learning approach followed in the series.
Look Up provides meaning of difficult English words.
Tech Fact provides additional information to enhance knowledge of the students.
Tech Help provides tips and keyboard shortcuts.
Recap provides summary of the chapter.
Checklist includes a list of important terms in the chapter for self-assessment.
Evaluate consists of extensive exercises including HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) questions to assess the knowledge of the concepts learnt.
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