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- Subject
- English
- English as a Second Language
- English Basics
- ISBN:9780521648660
- Format:Paperback
- Subject(s):English as a Second Language
- Author(s):Mark Cholij
- Available from: May 1999
Cover the 'mechanics' of English language.
Provides an introduction to the basic principles of the English language for 9–11 year-olds. Also suitable as a revision book for older children.
- Contents
English Basics covers the ‘mechanics’ of the English language: spelling, punctuation and grammar. Each book offers a systematic work and study programme for use in the classroom or at home.
Each unit consists of three sections. Initial tasks enable students to assess their grasp of a particular language point; a reference section contains accessible explanations and plenty of examples; and further exercises offer extension, revision and consolidation. A full glossary and answer key are also included.
- Unit 1. Starting and finishing a sentence
- Unit 2. Showing what someone else has said
- Unit 3. Capital letters
- Unit 4. Using the comma
- Unit 5. Being careful with the comma
- Unit 6. What is the plural of 'knife'?
- Unit 7. What is the plural of 'potato'?
- Unit 8. Combing words with an apostrophe
- Unit 9. Adding -'s to a noun
- Unit 10. Whose, its, theirs...
- Unit 11. Adding -'s to a verb
- Unit 12. Adding -ing to a verb
- Unit 13. Adding -ed to a verb
- Unit 14. Irregular verbs 1
- Unit 15 Irregular verbs 2
- Unit 16. Adjectives
- Unit 17. Adjectives ending in -ing/-ed
- Unit 18. Making adjectives negative
- Unit 19. Adding -er/-est to an adjective
- Unit 20. Adverbs ending in -ly
- Unit 21. Some tricky nouns
- Unit 22. Who/which/whose/whom
- Unit 23. Spoken and written English 1
- Unit 24. Spoken and written English 2
- Unit 25. Of/off, into, out of...
- Unit 26. Silent letters
- Unit 27. Words that sound alike
- Unit 28. Some confusing words
- Unit 29. Look, lock, lack, lake...
- Unit 30. Is it 'freind' or 'friend'?
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