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ESV Bible editions
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- Revised English Bible
- Revised Version
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- Prayer Books
This New Testament marks the 30 years since the launch of The Revised English Bible. This facsimile edition comes with a new preface by the Archbishop of York John Sentamu, as well as the original preface by the former Archbishop of Canterbury and chairman of the Translation Committee, Donald Coggan.
Originally commissioned by the mainline British Christian denominations, the REB translation constitutes a truly ecumenical Bible version presented in British English. This anniversary issue reproduces the lucid prose of the REB and is attractively presented in a single-column setting. It comes in a pocket-sized format bound in flexible green imitation leather with gilt edges, combining practicality with affordable elegance. Compact and graceful, it is suitable for every occasion and would make a fine gift.
- single-column setting
- gilt edges
- anniversary edition
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