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- Prayer Books
The Standard Edition is small enough to fit in a pocket or handbag.
The hardbacks come in a choice of colours and are economically priced. They are sturdy enough for regular congregational use*.
The white imitation leather books make excellent gifts to mark special occasions — they are bound with a ribbon marker and presented in a slipcase with a set of bookplates.
Features of edition:
* Discounts are available on bulk purchases by churches, schools and other institutions. Check out the Cambridge Pew Programme.
Prayer Book alterations arising from the Accession of King Charles III
The red, blue and black books include the updates arising from the succession of King Charles III. The white books have not yet been updated and still have the late Queen Elizabeth as monarch. 2023-07-17
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Book of Common Prayer, Standard Edition, Black French Morocco Leather, CP223
Prayer Book Prayer BookLeather / fine binding
Out of PrintUnavailable - out of print December 2024Unavailable
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