Book contents
- Frontmatter
- Dedication
- Contents
- List of Figures
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction De-Centering Du Bois
- 1 Rising Wind
- 2 “The White Man’s Burden Has Not Been Very Heavy”
- 3 “An Even Larger Issue Than ‘Containing Communism’”
- 4 So Weak, So Seventeenth Century
- 5 Regime Change
- Conclusion Beyond the Single Story
- Bibliography
- Index
- References
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 05 December 2014
Book contents
- Frontmatter
- Dedication
- Contents
- List of Figures
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction De-Centering Du Bois
- 1 Rising Wind
- 2 “The White Man’s Burden Has Not Been Very Heavy”
- 3 “An Even Larger Issue Than ‘Containing Communism’”
- 4 So Weak, So Seventeenth Century
- 5 Regime Change
- Conclusion Beyond the Single Story
- Bibliography
- Index
- References
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- Type
- Chapter
- Information
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