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Barnes, J. (1995) The Complete Works of Aristotle. 2 vols. Princeton. [English transl.; the translations of the works of the Organon are all included in vol. 1]Google Scholar
Aristotelis Categoriae et Liber de Interpretatione, ed. by Minio-Paluello, L.. Oxford1949. [Edition]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Aristote. Catégories, ed. and transl. by Bodéüs, R.. Paris2001. [Edition and French transl.]Google Scholar
Ackrill, J. (1963) Aristotle. Categories and De Interpretatione. Oxford. [English transl. with comm.]Google Scholar
Aristotelis Categoriae et Liber de Interpretatione, ed. by Minio-Paluello, L.. Oxford1949. [Edition]Google Scholar
Aristoteles, De interpretatione, ed. by Weidemann, H.. Berlin and Boston2014. [Edition]Google Scholar
Ackrill, J. (1963) Aristotle. Categories and De Interpretatione. Oxford. [English transl. with notes]Google Scholar
Weidemann, H. (2014) Aristoteles: Peri Hermeneias. 3rd ed.Berlin. [German transl. with intr. and comm.]Google Scholar
Aristotelis Analitica Priora et Posteriora, ed. by Ross, W.D.. Oxford1964. [Edition]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Ross, W.D. (1949) Aristotle’s Prior and Posterior Analytics. Oxford. [Edition with comm.]Google Scholar
Mignucci, M. (1969) Aristotele. Gli Analitici Primi. Naples. [Italian transl. with intr. and comm.]Google Scholar
Smith, R. (1989) Aristotle. Prior Analytics. Indianapolis. [English transl. with intr. and comm.]Google Scholar
Ebert, T. and Nortmann, U. (2007) Aristoteles. Analytica Priora, Buch I. Berlin. [German transl. with intr. and comm.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Malink, M. and Strobach, N. (2015) Aristoteles. Analytica Priora, Buch II. Berlin. [German transl. with intr. and comm.]Google Scholar
Striker, G. (2009) Aristotle’s Prior Analytics: Book 1. Oxford. [English transl. with intr. and comm.]Google Scholar
Crubellier, M. (2014) Aristote. Premiers Analytiques. Paris. [French transl. with notes]Google Scholar
Aristotelis Analitica Priora et Posteriora, ed. by Ross, W.D.. Oxford1964. [Edition]Google Scholar
Ross, W.D. (1949) Aristotle’s Prior and Posterior Analytics. Oxford. [Edition with comm.]Google Scholar
Mignucci, M. (1975) L’argomentazione dimostrativa in Aristotele. Padua. [Italian comm. on the first book]Google Scholar
Mignucci, M. (2007) Aristotele. Gli Analitici secondi. Rome and Bari. [Italian transl. and comm.]Google Scholar
Barnes, J. (1993) Aristotle. Posterior Analytics. 2nd ed. Oxford. [English transl. with comm.]Google Scholar
Detel, W. (1993) Aristoteles. Analytica Posteriora. Berlin. [German transl. and comm.]Google Scholar
Aristotelis Topica et Sophistici Elenchi, ed. by Ross, W.D.. Oxford1958. [Edition]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Aristote. Topiques I–IV, texte établi et traduit par J. Brunschwig. Paris1967. [Edition with notes]Google Scholar
Aristote. Topiques V–VIII, texte établi et traduit par J. Brunschwig. Paris2007. [Edition with notes]Google Scholar
Smith, R. (1997) Aristotle. Topics Books I and VIII. Oxford. [English transl. with comm.]Google Scholar
Aristotelis Topica et Sophistici Elenchi, ed. by Ross, W.D.. Oxford1958. [Edition]Google Scholar
Aristote. Les Réfutations Sophistiques, ed. by Hecquet, M. Paris, 2019. [Edition, French transl. and comm.]Google Scholar
Dorion, L.-A. (1995) Aristote. Les refutations sophistiques. Paris and Laval. [French transl. with intr. and comm.]Google Scholar
Fait, P. (2007) Aristotele. Le Confutazioni sofistiche. Rome and Bari. [Italian transl. with intr. and comm.]Google Scholar
Hasper, P.S. (2013) ‘Aristotle’s Sophistical Refutations: A Translation’, History of Philosophy and Logical Analysis15: 13–54. [English transl.]Google Scholar
Fortenbaugh, W.W., Huby, P.M., Sharples, R.W. and Gutas, D. (1992) Theophrastus of Eresus: Sources for His Life, Writings, Thought and Influence. 2 vols. Leiden and Boston. [Text, English transl. and comm.] (=FHS&G)CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Döring, K. (1972) Die Megariker. Kommentierte Sammlung der Testimonien. Amsterdam. [Edition and German comm.]Google Scholar
Giannantoni, G. (ed.) (1983–90) Socratis et socraticorum reliquiae. 4 vols. Naples. [Text and Italian comm.] (=SSR)Google Scholar
Muller, R. (1985) Les Mégariques. Fragments et témoignages. Paris. [French transl. and comm.]Google Scholar
Stoicorum Veterum Fragmenta, ed. by Von Arnim., J. 4 vols. Stuttgart1903–24. [Edition] (=SVF)Google Scholar
Baldassarri, M. (1984–7) La logica stoica. Testimonianze e frammenti. 8 vols. Como. [Texts with Italian transl.]Google Scholar
Hülser, K. (1987–8) Die Fragmente zur Dialektik der Stoiker. 4 vols. Stuttgart. [Texts with German transl. and notes] (=FDS)Google Scholar
Long, A.A. and Sedley, D.N. (eds.) (1987) The Hellenistic Philosophers. 2 vols. Cambridge. [Selection of texts with English transl. and comm.] (=L&S)Google Scholar
De Lacy, P.H. and De Lacy, E.A. (1985) On Methods of Inference (De signis). Naples. [Edition, English transl. and comm.]Google Scholar
Institutio Logica, ed. by Kalbfleisch, K.. Leipzig1896. [Edition]Google Scholar
Barnes, J. and Morison, B. (forthcoming) Galen: Introduction to Logic. 2 vols. Oxford. [Edition, English transl. and comm.]Google Scholar
Galeni libellus de captionibus quae per dictionem fiunt, ed. by Gabler, K.. Rostock1903. [Edition]Google Scholar
Ebbesen, S. (1981) De Captionibus, in Commentators and Commentaries on Aristotle’s Sophistici Elenchi. 3 vols. Leiden: vol. 2: pp. 1–26. [Edition]Google Scholar
Edlow, R.B. (1977) Galen on Language and Ambiguity. Leiden. [Intr., text and transl.]Google Scholar
Schiaparelli, A. (2002) Galeno e le fallacie linguistiche. Il De captionibus in dictione. Venice. [Text with Italian transl. and notes]Google Scholar
Peri Hermeneias, in Apuleius, De Philosophia libri, ed. by Moreschini, C.. Stuttgart and Leipzig1991. [Edition]Google Scholar
Londey, D. and Johanson, C. (1987) The Logic of Apuleius. Leiden and New York. [Intr., text, and comm.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Critical editions in the series Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca(=CAG).Google Scholar
ACA indicates the English translations, with notes, in the series Ancient Commentators on Aristotle directed by R. Sorabji and M. Griffin and published by Duckworth and Bloomsbury.Google Scholar
Commentary on the First Book of Aristotle’s Prior Analytics, ed. by Wallies, M.. Berlin1883 (CAG II.1). [Edition]Google Scholar
Barnes, J., Bobzien, S., Flannery, K. and Ierodiakonou, K. (1991) Alexander of Aphrodisias. On Aristotle Prior Analytics 1.1–7. [ACA]Google Scholar
Mueller, I. with Gould, J. (1999) Alexander of Aphrodisias. On Aristotle Prior Analytics 1.8–13. [ACA]Google Scholar
Mueller, I. with Gould, J. (1999) Alexander of Aphrodisias. On Aristotle Prior Analytics 1.14–22. [ACA]Google Scholar
Mueller, I. (2006) Alexander of Aphrodisias. On Aristotle Prior Analytics 1.23–31. [ACA]Google Scholar
Mueller, I. (2006) Alexander of Aphrodisias. On Aristotle Prior Analytics 1.32–46. [ACA]Google Scholar
Commentary on the Eight Books of Aristotle’s Topics, ed. by Wallies, M. Berlin1891 (CAG II.2). [Edition]Google Scholar
Van Ophuijsen, J.M. (2000) Alexander of Aphrodisias. On Aristotle Topics 1. [ACA]Google Scholar
Castelli, L. (2020) Alexander of Aphrodisias. On Aristotle Topics 2. [ACA]Google Scholar
Castelli, L. (2021) Alexander of Aphrodisias. On Aristotle Topics 3. [ACA]Google Scholar
Isagoge and Commentary on Aristotle’s Categories, ed. by Busse, M. Berlin1887 (CAG IV.1). [Edition]Google Scholar
Commentaire aux Catégories d’Aristote, ed. by Bodéüs, R. Paris2008. [Edition with a French transl.]Google Scholar
Strange, S. (1992) Porphyry. On Aristotle Categories. [ACA]Google Scholar
Barnes, J. (2003) Porphyry. Introduction. Oxford. [English transl. and comm.]Google Scholar
Commentary on Aristotle’s De interpretatione, ed. by Busse, A.. Berlin1897 (CAG IV.5).Google Scholar
Commentary on Aristotle’s First Book of the Prior Analytics, ed. by Wallies, M.. Berlin1899 (CAG IV.6).Google Scholar
Matthews, G. and Cohen, M. (1991) Ammonius. On Aristotle Categories. [ACA]Google Scholar
Blank, D. (1996) Ammonius. On Aristotle On Interpretation 1–8. [ACA]Google Scholar
Blank, D. and Kretzmann, N. (1998) Ammonius. On Aristotle On Interpretation 9. With Boethius. On Aristotle On Interpretation 9. [ACA]Google Scholar
Commentary on Aristotle’s Categories, ed. by Busse, A.. Berlin1898 (CAG XIII.1).Google Scholar
Sirkel, R., Tweedale, M. and Harris, J. (2015) Philoponus. On Aristotle Categories 1–5. [ACA]Google Scholar
Share, M. (2019) Philoponus. On Aristotle Categories 6–15. [ACA]Google Scholar
Commentary on Aristotle’s Prior Analytics, ed. by Wallies, M.. Berlin1905 (CAG XIII.2).Google Scholar
Commentary on Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics, ed. by Wallies, M.. Berlin1909 (CAG XIII.3).Google Scholar
McKirahan, R. (2008) Philoponus. On Aristotle Posterior Analytics 1.1–8. [ACA]Google Scholar
McKirahan, R. (2012) Philoponus. On Aristotle Posterior Analytics 1.9–18. [ACA]Google Scholar
Goldin, O. and Martijn, M. (2012) Philoponus. On Aristotle Posterior Analytics 1.19–34. [ACA]Google Scholar
Goldin, O. (2009) Philoponus(?). On Aristotle Posterior Analytics 2. [ACA]Google Scholar
Commentary on Aristotle’s Categories, ed. by Kalbfleisch, C, Berlin1907 (CAG VIII).Google Scholar
Chase, M. (2003) Simplicius. On Aristotle Categories 1–4. [ACA]Google Scholar
de Haas, F. and Fleet, B. (2001) Simplicius. On Aristotle Categories 5–6. [ACA]Google Scholar
Fleet, B. (2002) Simplicius. On Aristotle Categories 7–8. [ACA]Google Scholar
Gaskin, R. (2000) Simplicius. On Aristotle Categories 9–15. [ACA]Google Scholar
Manlii Severini Boetii opera omnia (Patrologia Latina 64), ed. by Migne, J.-P.. Paris1847.Google Scholar
Anicii Manlii Severini Boetii commentarii in librum Aristotelis ΠEPI EPMHNEIAS, ed. by Meiser, C. 2 vols. Leipzig1877–80. [Edition of Boethius’ two commentaries on Aristotle’s De Interpretatione]Google Scholar
Smith, A. (2010) Boethius. On Aristotle On Interpretation 1–3. [ACA. Partial translation of the second commentary]Google Scholar
Smith, A. (2011) Boethius. On Aristotle On Interpretation 4–6. [ACA. Partial translation of the second commentary]Google Scholar
Blank, D. and Kretzmann, N. (1998) Ammonius. On Aristotle On Interpretation 9. With Boethius. On Aristotle On Interpretation 9. [ACA. Partial Translation of the second commentary]Google Scholar
Boethius. De hypotheticis syllogismis, ed. by Obertello, L. Brescia1969. [Edition and Italian transl.]Google Scholar
Stump, E. (1978) Boethius. De topicis differentiis. Ithaca, NY and London. [English transl.]Google Scholar
Stump, E. (1988) Boethius. In Ciceronis Topica, Ithaca, NY and London. [English transl.]Google Scholar
Magee, J. (1998) Boethius. De divisione. Leiden and Boston. [Edition and English transl.]Google Scholar
Thomsen Thörnqvist, C. (2008) Boethius. De syllogismo categorico. Gothenburg. [Edition]Google Scholar
Thomsen Thörnqvist, C. (2008) Boethius. Introductio ad syllogismos categoricos. Gothenburg. [Edition]Google Scholar
Procli Diadochi In primum Euclidis Elementorum Librum Commentaria, ed. by Friedlein, G. Leipzig1873. [Edition]Google Scholar
Morrow, G. (1992) Proclus. A Commentary on the First Book of Euclid’s Elements. Princeton 1992. [English transl.]Google Scholar
Barnes, J. (1995) The Complete Works of Aristotle. 2 vols. Princeton. [English transl.; the translations of the works of the Organon are all included in vol. 1]Google Scholar
Aristotelis Categoriae et Liber de Interpretatione, ed. by Minio-Paluello, L.. Oxford1949. [Edition]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Aristote. Catégories, ed. and transl. by Bodéüs, R.. Paris2001. [Edition and French transl.]Google Scholar
Ackrill, J. (1963) Aristotle. Categories and De Interpretatione. Oxford. [English transl. with comm.]Google Scholar
Aristotelis Categoriae et Liber de Interpretatione, ed. by Minio-Paluello, L.. Oxford1949. [Edition]Google Scholar
Aristoteles, De interpretatione, ed. by Weidemann, H.. Berlin and Boston2014. [Edition]Google Scholar
Ackrill, J. (1963) Aristotle. Categories and De Interpretatione. Oxford. [English transl. with notes]Google Scholar
Weidemann, H. (2014) Aristoteles: Peri Hermeneias. 3rd ed.Berlin. [German transl. with intr. and comm.]Google Scholar
Aristotelis Analitica Priora et Posteriora, ed. by Ross, W.D.. Oxford1964. [Edition]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Ross, W.D. (1949) Aristotle’s Prior and Posterior Analytics. Oxford. [Edition with comm.]Google Scholar
Mignucci, M. (1969) Aristotele. Gli Analitici Primi. Naples. [Italian transl. with intr. and comm.]Google Scholar
Smith, R. (1989) Aristotle. Prior Analytics. Indianapolis. [English transl. with intr. and comm.]Google Scholar
Ebert, T. and Nortmann, U. (2007) Aristoteles. Analytica Priora, Buch I. Berlin. [German transl. with intr. and comm.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Malink, M. and Strobach, N. (2015) Aristoteles. Analytica Priora, Buch II. Berlin. [German transl. with intr. and comm.]Google Scholar
Striker, G. (2009) Aristotle’s Prior Analytics: Book 1. Oxford. [English transl. with intr. and comm.]Google Scholar
Crubellier, M. (2014) Aristote. Premiers Analytiques. Paris. [French transl. with notes]Google Scholar
Aristotelis Analitica Priora et Posteriora, ed. by Ross, W.D.. Oxford1964. [Edition]Google Scholar
Ross, W.D. (1949) Aristotle’s Prior and Posterior Analytics. Oxford. [Edition with comm.]Google Scholar
Mignucci, M. (1975) L’argomentazione dimostrativa in Aristotele. Padua. [Italian comm. on the first book]Google Scholar
Mignucci, M. (2007) Aristotele. Gli Analitici secondi. Rome and Bari. [Italian transl. and comm.]Google Scholar
Barnes, J. (1993) Aristotle. Posterior Analytics. 2nd ed. Oxford. [English transl. with comm.]Google Scholar
Detel, W. (1993) Aristoteles. Analytica Posteriora. Berlin. [German transl. and comm.]Google Scholar
Aristotelis Topica et Sophistici Elenchi, ed. by Ross, W.D.. Oxford1958. [Edition]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Aristote. Topiques I–IV, texte établi et traduit par J. Brunschwig. Paris1967. [Edition with notes]Google Scholar
Aristote. Topiques V–VIII, texte établi et traduit par J. Brunschwig. Paris2007. [Edition with notes]Google Scholar
Smith, R. (1997) Aristotle. Topics Books I and VIII. Oxford. [English transl. with comm.]Google Scholar
Aristotelis Topica et Sophistici Elenchi, ed. by Ross, W.D.. Oxford1958. [Edition]Google Scholar
Aristote. Les Réfutations Sophistiques, ed. by Hecquet, M. Paris, 2019. [Edition, French transl. and comm.]Google Scholar
Dorion, L.-A. (1995) Aristote. Les refutations sophistiques. Paris and Laval. [French transl. with intr. and comm.]Google Scholar
Fait, P. (2007) Aristotele. Le Confutazioni sofistiche. Rome and Bari. [Italian transl. with intr. and comm.]Google Scholar
Hasper, P.S. (2013) ‘Aristotle’s Sophistical Refutations: A Translation’, History of Philosophy and Logical Analysis15: 13–54. [English transl.]Google Scholar
Barnes, J. (1995) The Complete Works of Aristotle. 2 vols. Princeton. [English transl.; the translations of the works of the Organon are all included in vol. 1]Google Scholar
Aristotelis Categoriae et Liber de Interpretatione, ed. by Minio-Paluello, L.. Oxford1949. [Edition]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Aristote. Catégories, ed. and transl. by Bodéüs, R.. Paris2001. [Edition and French transl.]Google Scholar
Ackrill, J. (1963) Aristotle. Categories and De Interpretatione. Oxford. [English transl. with comm.]Google Scholar
Aristotelis Categoriae et Liber de Interpretatione, ed. by Minio-Paluello, L.. Oxford1949. [Edition]Google Scholar
Aristoteles, De interpretatione, ed. by Weidemann, H.. Berlin and Boston2014. [Edition]Google Scholar
Ackrill, J. (1963) Aristotle. Categories and De Interpretatione. Oxford. [English transl. with notes]Google Scholar
Weidemann, H. (2014) Aristoteles: Peri Hermeneias. 3rd ed.Berlin. [German transl. with intr. and comm.]Google Scholar
Aristotelis Analitica Priora et Posteriora, ed. by Ross, W.D.. Oxford1964. [Edition]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Ross, W.D. (1949) Aristotle’s Prior and Posterior Analytics. Oxford. [Edition with comm.]Google Scholar
Mignucci, M. (1969) Aristotele. Gli Analitici Primi. Naples. [Italian transl. with intr. and comm.]Google Scholar
Smith, R. (1989) Aristotle. Prior Analytics. Indianapolis. [English transl. with intr. and comm.]Google Scholar
Ebert, T. and Nortmann, U. (2007) Aristoteles. Analytica Priora, Buch I. Berlin. [German transl. with intr. and comm.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Malink, M. and Strobach, N. (2015) Aristoteles. Analytica Priora, Buch II. Berlin. [German transl. with intr. and comm.]Google Scholar
Striker, G. (2009) Aristotle’s Prior Analytics: Book 1. Oxford. [English transl. with intr. and comm.]Google Scholar
Crubellier, M. (2014) Aristote. Premiers Analytiques. Paris. [French transl. with notes]Google Scholar
Aristotelis Analitica Priora et Posteriora, ed. by Ross, W.D.. Oxford1964. [Edition]Google Scholar
Ross, W.D. (1949) Aristotle’s Prior and Posterior Analytics. Oxford. [Edition with comm.]Google Scholar
Mignucci, M. (1975) L’argomentazione dimostrativa in Aristotele. Padua. [Italian comm. on the first book]Google Scholar
Mignucci, M. (2007) Aristotele. Gli Analitici secondi. Rome and Bari. [Italian transl. and comm.]Google Scholar
Barnes, J. (1993) Aristotle. Posterior Analytics. 2nd ed. Oxford. [English transl. with comm.]Google Scholar
Detel, W. (1993) Aristoteles. Analytica Posteriora. Berlin. [German transl. and comm.]Google Scholar
Aristotelis Topica et Sophistici Elenchi, ed. by Ross, W.D.. Oxford1958. [Edition]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Aristote. Topiques I–IV, texte établi et traduit par J. Brunschwig. Paris1967. [Edition with notes]Google Scholar
Aristote. Topiques V–VIII, texte établi et traduit par J. Brunschwig. Paris2007. [Edition with notes]Google Scholar
Smith, R. (1997) Aristotle. Topics Books I and VIII. Oxford. [English transl. with comm.]Google Scholar
Aristotelis Topica et Sophistici Elenchi, ed. by Ross, W.D.. Oxford1958. [Edition]Google Scholar
Aristote. Les Réfutations Sophistiques, ed. by Hecquet, M. Paris, 2019. [Edition, French transl. and comm.]Google Scholar
Dorion, L.-A. (1995) Aristote. Les refutations sophistiques. Paris and Laval. [French transl. with intr. and comm.]Google Scholar
Fait, P. (2007) Aristotele. Le Confutazioni sofistiche. Rome and Bari. [Italian transl. with intr. and comm.]Google Scholar
Hasper, P.S. (2013) ‘Aristotle’s Sophistical Refutations: A Translation’, History of Philosophy and Logical Analysis15: 13–54. [English transl.]Google Scholar
Fortenbaugh, W.W., Huby, P.M., Sharples, R.W. and Gutas, D. (1992) Theophrastus of Eresus: Sources for His Life, Writings, Thought and Influence. 2 vols. Leiden and Boston. [Text, English transl. and comm.] (=FHS&G)CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Döring, K. (1972) Die Megariker. Kommentierte Sammlung der Testimonien. Amsterdam. [Edition and German comm.]Google Scholar
Giannantoni, G. (ed.) (1983–90) Socratis et socraticorum reliquiae. 4 vols. Naples. [Text and Italian comm.] (=SSR)Google Scholar
Muller, R. (1985) Les Mégariques. Fragments et témoignages. Paris. [French transl. and comm.]Google Scholar
Stoicorum Veterum Fragmenta, ed. by Von Arnim., J. 4 vols. Stuttgart1903–24. [Edition] (=SVF)Google Scholar
Baldassarri, M. (1984–7) La logica stoica. Testimonianze e frammenti. 8 vols. Como. [Texts with Italian transl.]Google Scholar
Hülser, K. (1987–8) Die Fragmente zur Dialektik der Stoiker. 4 vols. Stuttgart. [Texts with German transl. and notes] (=FDS)Google Scholar
Long, A.A. and Sedley, D.N. (eds.) (1987) The Hellenistic Philosophers. 2 vols. Cambridge. [Selection of texts with English transl. and comm.] (=L&S)Google Scholar
De Lacy, P.H. and De Lacy, E.A. (1985) On Methods of Inference (De signis). Naples. [Edition, English transl. and comm.]Google Scholar
Institutio Logica, ed. by Kalbfleisch, K.. Leipzig1896. [Edition]Google Scholar
Barnes, J. and Morison, B. (forthcoming) Galen: Introduction to Logic. 2 vols. Oxford. [Edition, English transl. and comm.]Google Scholar
Galeni libellus de captionibus quae per dictionem fiunt, ed. by Gabler, K.. Rostock1903. [Edition]Google Scholar
Ebbesen, S. (1981) De Captionibus, in Commentators and Commentaries on Aristotle’s Sophistici Elenchi. 3 vols. Leiden: vol. 2: pp. 1–26. [Edition]Google Scholar
Edlow, R.B. (1977) Galen on Language and Ambiguity. Leiden. [Intr., text and transl.]Google Scholar
Schiaparelli, A. (2002) Galeno e le fallacie linguistiche. Il De captionibus in dictione. Venice. [Text with Italian transl. and notes]Google Scholar
Institutio Logica, ed. by Kalbfleisch, K.. Leipzig1896. [Edition]Google Scholar
Barnes, J. and Morison, B. (forthcoming) Galen: Introduction to Logic. 2 vols. Oxford. [Edition, English transl. and comm.]Google Scholar
Galeni libellus de captionibus quae per dictionem fiunt, ed. by Gabler, K.. Rostock1903. [Edition]Google Scholar
Ebbesen, S. (1981) De Captionibus, in Commentators and Commentaries on Aristotle’s Sophistici Elenchi. 3 vols. Leiden: vol. 2: pp. 1–26. [Edition]Google Scholar
Edlow, R.B. (1977) Galen on Language and Ambiguity. Leiden. [Intr., text and transl.]Google Scholar
Schiaparelli, A. (2002) Galeno e le fallacie linguistiche. Il De captionibus in dictione. Venice. [Text with Italian transl. and notes]Google Scholar
Peri Hermeneias, in Apuleius, De Philosophia libri, ed. by Moreschini, C.. Stuttgart and Leipzig1991. [Edition]Google Scholar
Londey, D. and Johanson, C. (1987) The Logic of Apuleius. Leiden and New York. [Intr., text, and comm.]CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Critical editions in the series Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca(=CAG).Google Scholar
ACA indicates the English translations, with notes, in the series Ancient Commentators on Aristotle directed by R. Sorabji and M. Griffin and published by Duckworth and Bloomsbury.Google Scholar
Commentary on the First Book of Aristotle’s Prior Analytics, ed. by Wallies, M.. Berlin1883 (CAG II.1). [Edition]Google Scholar
Barnes, J., Bobzien, S., Flannery, K. and Ierodiakonou, K. (1991) Alexander of Aphrodisias. On Aristotle Prior Analytics 1.1–7. [ACA]Google Scholar
Mueller, I. with Gould, J. (1999) Alexander of Aphrodisias. On Aristotle Prior Analytics 1.8–13. [ACA]Google Scholar
Mueller, I. with Gould, J. (1999) Alexander of Aphrodisias. On Aristotle Prior Analytics 1.14–22. [ACA]Google Scholar
Mueller, I. (2006) Alexander of Aphrodisias. On Aristotle Prior Analytics 1.23–31. [ACA]Google Scholar
Mueller, I. (2006) Alexander of Aphrodisias. On Aristotle Prior Analytics 1.32–46. [ACA]Google Scholar
Commentary on the Eight Books of Aristotle’s Topics, ed. by Wallies, M. Berlin1891 (CAG II.2). [Edition]Google Scholar
Van Ophuijsen, J.M. (2000) Alexander of Aphrodisias. On Aristotle Topics 1. [ACA]Google Scholar
Castelli, L. (2020) Alexander of Aphrodisias. On Aristotle Topics 2. [ACA]Google Scholar
Castelli, L. (2021) Alexander of Aphrodisias. On Aristotle Topics 3. [ACA]Google Scholar
Isagoge and Commentary on Aristotle’s Categories, ed. by Busse, M. Berlin1887 (CAG IV.1). [Edition]Google Scholar
Commentaire aux Catégories d’Aristote, ed. by Bodéüs, R. Paris2008. [Edition with a French transl.]Google Scholar
Strange, S. (1992) Porphyry. On Aristotle Categories. [ACA]Google Scholar
Barnes, J. (2003) Porphyry. Introduction. Oxford. [English transl. and comm.]Google Scholar
Commentary on Aristotle’s De interpretatione, ed. by Busse, A.. Berlin1897 (CAG IV.5).Google Scholar
Commentary on Aristotle’s First Book of the Prior Analytics, ed. by Wallies, M.. Berlin1899 (CAG IV.6).Google Scholar
Matthews, G. and Cohen, M. (1991) Ammonius. On Aristotle Categories. [ACA]Google Scholar
Blank, D. (1996) Ammonius. On Aristotle On Interpretation 1–8. [ACA]Google Scholar
Blank, D. and Kretzmann, N. (1998) Ammonius. On Aristotle On Interpretation 9. With Boethius. On Aristotle On Interpretation 9. [ACA]Google Scholar
Commentary on Aristotle’s Categories, ed. by Busse, A.. Berlin1898 (CAG XIII.1).Google Scholar
Sirkel, R., Tweedale, M. and Harris, J. (2015) Philoponus. On Aristotle Categories 1–5. [ACA]Google Scholar
Share, M. (2019) Philoponus. On Aristotle Categories 6–15. [ACA]Google Scholar
Commentary on Aristotle’s Prior Analytics, ed. by Wallies, M.. Berlin1905 (CAG XIII.2).Google Scholar
Commentary on Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics, ed. by Wallies, M.. Berlin1909 (CAG XIII.3).Google Scholar
McKirahan, R. (2008) Philoponus. On Aristotle Posterior Analytics 1.1–8. [ACA]Google Scholar
McKirahan, R. (2012) Philoponus. On Aristotle Posterior Analytics 1.9–18. [ACA]Google Scholar
Goldin, O. and Martijn, M. (2012) Philoponus. On Aristotle Posterior Analytics 1.19–34. [ACA]Google Scholar
Goldin, O. (2009) Philoponus(?). On Aristotle Posterior Analytics 2. [ACA]Google Scholar
Commentary on Aristotle’s Categories, ed. by Kalbfleisch, C, Berlin1907 (CAG VIII).Google Scholar
Chase, M. (2003) Simplicius. On Aristotle Categories 1–4. [ACA]Google Scholar
de Haas, F. and Fleet, B. (2001) Simplicius. On Aristotle Categories 5–6. [ACA]Google Scholar
Fleet, B. (2002) Simplicius. On Aristotle Categories 7–8. [ACA]Google Scholar
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