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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
December 2015
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Book description

Thomas Aquinas's Disputed Questions on Evil is a careful and detailed analysis of the general topic of evil, including discussions on evil as privation, human free choice, the cause of moral evil, moral failure, and the so-called seven deadly sins. This collection of ten, specially commissioned new essays, the first book-length English-language study of Disputed Questions on Evil, examines the most interesting and philosophically relevant aspects of Aquinas's work, highlighting what is distinctive about it and situating it in relation not only to Aquinas's other works but also to contemporary philosophical debates in metaphysics, ethics, and philosophy of action. The essays also explore the history of the work's interpretation. The volume will be of interest to researchers in a broad range of philosophical disciplines including medieval philosophy and history of philosophy, as well as to theologians.


'This volume contains insightful and well-argued essays … illuminating the nature and application of the claims that Thomas makes in De malo. Readers of Thomas will be grateful for its appearance.'

Robert C. Miner - Baylor University, Texas

'The collection of essays found in this book examines Aquinas's 'Disputed Questions on Evil' from a variety of angles and will be of great interest to those who wish to learn more about the theologian of the Catholic Church. … Recent years have seen an increased interest in Aquinas's 'Disputed Questions on Evil'. This book helps us appreciate all that is distinctive about this great theological work.'

Pravin Thevathasan Source: Catholic Medical Quarterly

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