acting companies. See also Duke’s Company; King’s Company, United Company
advertising plays, 146
aristocracy, involvement with, 197
authorial reputation, control over,
box office competition, 2
chasing culture of improvement,
competing entertainments, 132
create demand, 69
curtain times,
dance and music, 159
economic scarcity, induced, 12
exclusive rights, 4
failure, new entertainments, 13
Herbert, Henry, attempted takeover, 34
investors in, 68
maintenance of playhouses, 131
marketing strategies, 11
music industry and, 159
new commodity culture,
new playwrights, lack of support for,
paid actors’ pensions,
performance calendar and playwrights,
performance calendars, 136
performance rights, 199
playhouses, improvement of,
playwrights, limited need for,
premieres’ effect on rivals, 74
reliance on revivals, 129
repertory practices, repetitive,
repertory practices, revivals, 92
resentment towards, 219
scripts, payment for, 182
shares held by, 68
stock plays, reliance on,
stock shares, value of,
theatre location, choice of, 102
training of actors, 95
unwillingness to adapt, 15,
waning support from Charles II,
West End, selection of,
working conditions, 165
bad scripts and,
as celebrities, ,
challenging authorities, 216
conflict with management,
contempt for playwrights,
higher wages, scarcity of roles,
investments and,
perceptions of, changing,
portraits of,
praise for,
prologues and epilogues,
proximity to audience,
reputation of, 239
Royal Court supporting,
royal edicts against,
swords and,
unscrupulous managers and,
as mistresses,
replacing boy actors,
advertising, of plays,
All for Love (1677), 196
Anatomist, The (1697), 122
Andromache (1675), 238
Andromède (1651), 118
architecture, playhouse, ,
Argalus and Parthenia (1661), 74
aristocracy, ,
The Assignation (1672), 178
affluent members, 83,
desire for familiar titles, 88
expenditures by,
female spectators, 191
Pepys on,
playwrights hostile to,
sense of belonging,
shrinking, 71
working class,
young men, ,
Aureng-Zebe (1676), 194
Banks, John, 174, 187, 195, 203, 240
Island Queens, The: Or, The Death of Mary, Queen of Scotland (1684), 207
Beauty in Distress (1698), 123
Behn, Aphra
The Amorous Prince (1671), 179
debut, 175
Dutch Lover, The (1673), 178,
Feign’d Curtizans, The (1679), 73
The Forc’d Marriage (1670), 179
gentility, 174
Oroonoko (1688), 174
playwrighting as avocation, 240
Rover, The (1677), 92
Translations, 181
Widow Ranter, The (1689), 248
Berkenhead, Sir John, 52
Betterton, Thomas, 247
against culture of improvement, 126
and investments, 231
generational attitudes, 10
instruction, actors, 220
Lincoln’s Inn Fields, selection of,
Pepys’s opinion of, 90
Boar, The, 9
box office receipts,
seating capacity and, 70
Boyer, Abel, 186
Boyle family, 25
Bridges Street playhouse, 75, 101, 105, 107
design of, 122
new building, 107
as rebuilt Theatre Royal, 100
seating, 70
shares, 68
Bury Fair (1689), 234
Caligula (1698), 61
Caryll, John, 41
before the Interregnum,
political attacks as,
Restoration period,
Charles II, King (1660–1685)
anti-Catholic acts, 60
bestowing of offices,
censorship, acts of, 52
collaboration with artists,
Duke’s Company, 44
early life,
failure to pay debts,
gifting monopolies,
horse racing, 143
intervention in acting companies, 220
King’s Company, 63
lack of income,
lavish lifestyle,
lover of theatre,
painting of John Lacy, 244
patronage, ,
support for acting troupes, 62
support of duopoly, , 38
waning support for the acting companies,
Cibber, Colley
actor, 226
fundraising, 121
Lincoln’s Inn Fields, 184
Love’s Last Shift (1696), 199
reminiscences, , 229
repetitive repertories, 91
City Politiques, The (1683), 92
commodities, imported,
Congreve, William
denounced, 210
early days,
education, 174
established, 178
frequented coffeehouses, 134
left profession, 181
Mourning Bride, The (1697), 122
Old Batchelor, The (1693), 197
poems, 181
Tonson, and, 202
Conquest of China, The (1676), 202
contracts, playwrights and,
Country Gentleman, The (1669),
Craufurd, David, 232
dance, 13, ,
Darius, King of Persia (1688), 185
Davenant, Charles
Circe (1677), 118
Davenant, Sir William. See also Duke’s Company
censorship, 52
economic scarcity, engineered,
First Day’s Entertainment, The (1656), 16
generational attitudes, 10
Caroline theatre, ,
jailed, 30
Just Italian, The (1630), 29
letter patent, 36
Lincoln’s Inn Fields, residence, 104
neighborhoods selection for theatres,
theatrical patent,
playhouse construction and renovations,
Play-house to be Lett, The (1673), 237
rivals of, 19
Rivals, The (1664), 187
shares in company, 68
stagecraft improvements, 96
ticket pricing, 80
use of dramatic form, 16
use of performance space, 16
West End, selected,
Dido and Aeneas (1689), 159
Don Carlos, Prince of Spain (1676), 188
Dorset Garden
John Dryden, opinion of, 84
operas staged at, 161
renovation of, 108
size of, 150
visitors comment on, 101
dramatic operas, , 161
Drury Lane, 24, 84, 119, 123
advertisement for, 86
attendance, 74
attendance, Charles II, 44
built, 107
built by Christopher Wren, 100
Christopher Rich, 125
David Garrick, acquired by, 212
John Dryden on, 65
Kynaston, and, 230
playbills, 211
United Company, selected, 120
variety of performances, 91
visitors, 101
Dryden, John
acting companies and, 232
The Assignation (1672), 178
audience, resentment towards,
Aureng-Zebe (1676), 194
collaboration with other playwrights,
debut, 175
Duke’s Company, 183
establishing authorial self,
Evening’s Love, An, or The Mock Astrologer (1668), 189
funeral costs, 231
Indian Emperour, The (1668), 116
King’s Company, pensions and shares with,
Love Triumphant (1694), 232
Oedipus (1679), 195
poems, 181
praise for actors,
praise of actor-managers,
supporter of younger playwrights,
threat by foreign actors, 64
Duke’s Company. See also acting companies
box office receipts,
expenses, 118
founding of, 34
patent established, 97
play runs, 186
playhouse construction and renovations,
stock plays, reliance on,
Thomas Betterton, manager, 108
effects on playwrights, 14,
improvement, playhouses,
limited number of companies, 225
marketplace conditions,
raised status of actors, 254
theatre improvements vs economic limitations,
Durfey, Thomas, 85, 161, 178, 181, 195, 210
debut, 175
Marriage Hater Matched, The (1692), 239
playwrighting as avocation, 240
Richmond Heiress, The; or, A Woman Once in the Right (1693), 186
Songs to the New Play of Don Quixote, The (1694), 153
Siege of Memphis, The (1676), 179
Trick for Trick (1678), 151
Elizabethan stage,
acting companies, 88
actors, 248
disputes over literary form, 171
gentility, 172
labor costs, 114
neighborhoods, 104
playhouses, ,
playwrights, compensation for, 182
Etherege, Sir George
comedies, 181
courtier, 2
debut, 175
dramatic canon, 209
frequented coffeehouses, 134
friends of, 232
generationality, 195
knighthood, 48
playwrighting as avocation, 240
poems, 181
She Would If She Could (1668), 122
Evelyn, Mary, 94
Evening’s Love, An, or The Mock Astrologer (1668), 189
exile, royalists in, 23
Faithful Virgins, The (1670?), 52
Feign’d Curtizans, The (1679), 73
First Days Entertainment at Rutland House, The (1656), 16
Flecknoe, Richard
in defense of playwrights,
distrust of spectacle, 205
praise for improvements, 100
Sir William D’avenant’s Voyage to the Other World (1668), 67
Fond Husband, A; or, The Plotting Sisters (1677), 45
Hall, Joseph, 76
Herbert, Sir Henry, 31, ,
Hollywood, movie production, 9
Hooke, Robert, 99,
horse racing, 143
Howard, Charles, 38
Howard, Edward, 128, 167, 188, 189, 218, 222
Six days Adventure, The (1671), 233
Usurper, The (1668), 203
Women’s Conquest, The (1671), 252
Howard, James, 26
Howard, Sir Robert, 48, 54, 68, 114, 195
Country Gentleman, The (1669), 194
Great Favourite, The (1668), 197
Humorists, The (1671), 240
Imposture Defeated, The: or, A Trick to Cheat the Devil (1698), 238
Indian Emperour, The (1668), 116
innovation, Elizabethan era,
Interregnum, 4
Iphigénie (1674), 183
Island Queens, The: Or, The Death of Mary, Queen of Scotland (1684), 207
Italian Husband, The (1698), 123
Killigrew, Thomas, 4. See also King’s Company
as an actor,
censorship, 52
economic scarcity, engineered,
Elizabeth, sister of, 25
generational attitudes, 10
as Groom of the Bedchamber, 28
influence by marriage, 26
influence on the Royal Court, , 40
letter patent,
monetary woes, 27
neighborhoods selection for theatres,
petition to the Royal Court,
playhouse construction and renovations,
as a playwright, 27
relationship with Henry Bennet, 28
relationship with Henry Jermyn, 28
relationship with Samuel Pepys,
shares in company, 68
theatre improvements,
Theatre Royal, rebuilt, 100
ticket pricing, 80
West End, selected,
King, Gregory, 227
King’s Company. See also acting companies
Bridges Street, 75
closed by Charles II, 63
curtain times,
Drury Lane, 120
Dryden, pensions and shares,
mismanagement of, 132
music trends, keeping up with,
patent established, 97
playhouse construction and renovations,
playwrights, related by kinship, 172
shrinking attendance, 71
stock plays, reliance on,
Kirkman, Francis (publisher),
Lincoln’s Inn Fields, 10, 13, 44, 84, 210
Anne Bracegirdle, 121
Colley Cibber, 184
conversion of Lisle’s Tennis Court, 104
Elizabeth Barry, 121
gross receipts, 72
imported talent, 229
labor, 111
machinery, little use of,
need for scripts, 184
renovation of,
scenes, little use of,
shareholders, 228
variety of performances, 91
London Cuckolds, The (1682), 191
Love a la Mode (1663), 203
Love Triumphant (1694), 232
Love’s Last Shift (1696), 199
machines, for scenery changes,
Maid’s Last Prayer, The; or, Any, rather than Fail (1693), 127
management, conflict with actors,
Manesson Mallet, Allain, 141
Marlowe, Christopher, 38
Marriage Hater Matched, The (1692), 239
monopolies, gifts from royalty,
Motteux, Peter Anthony, 124
Beauty in Distress (1698), 123
Novelty, The: Every Act a Play (1697), 128
Princess of Parma, The (1699), 165
Mountfort, Susanna, 240
Mourning Bride, The (1697), 122
Mr. Anthony (1669), 130
Mulberry-Garden, The (1668), 127
patronage, ,
Pepys, Samuel 146, 147
affection for Sir Martin Mar-all, 90
books and, 157
on commodities,
dance and,
Epsom Wells, 144
gardens attendee, 142
Nell Gwyn, 254
on Shakespeare, 93
performance rights, 90,
Philips, Katherine, 217
Plain Dealer, The (1676), 85
Playford, Henry, 161
Playford, John, 161
Play-house to be Lett, The (1673), 237
architecture, improvements,
construction of,
foreign accounts,
improvement of,
open-air, 9
proximity of players to audience,
religious attitudes towards,
roofed, 9
seating capacity, 70
shrinking attendance,
source of national pride, 12
plays. See also individual titles
audience expenditures,
length of, 85
publication of,
short runs of, 130
use of ‘fashion’ and ‘mode’, 128
using urban trends,
playwrights. See also individual authors
acting companies, effects on, 8
actor availability,
aristocratic involvement with,
box office, dependence, 184
box office success,
class status and, 145
collaboration among generations,
compensation, newcomers,
compensation for,
contracts with acting companies,
copyright and,
debuts of, , 179
few novices,
financial precarity, 176
gentility and, 171,
gentry, from the, 171,
hostile to audiences,
identified as authors,
income, additional sources of,
income, loss of, infractions,
limited need for,
music and dance, hostility towards,
oversee practice, rarely, 196
playhouses, factions,
prefactory essays,
publication rights,
scarcity of acting companies,
scripts, defective and mangled,
social mores, changing,
supporting next generation,
theatre as spectacle, critiqued,
university educated,
writing parts for actors,
playwriting, as an avocation,
prefatory essays,
Priest, Josiah, 159
Princess of Parma, The (1699), 165
prologues and epilogues,
Psittacorum Regio (1669), 76
Ravenscroft, Edward, 174, 181, 187
Anatomist, The (1697), 122
Citizen Turn’d Gentleman, The (1672),
debut, 175
Italian Husband, The (1698), 123
London Cuckolds, The (1682), 191
Reformation, The (1672), 130
religious attitudes towards theatre, 77,
Richmond Heiress, The; or, A Woman Once in the Right (1693), 186
Rinaldo and Armida (1699), 124
Rival Queens, The (1677), 71
Roman Empress, The (1671), 240
Rover, The (1677), 92
Royal Shepherdess, The (1669), 130
scenery, costs and reuse,
scenery, moveable,
Settle, Elkanah, 178, 179, 233
anti-Catholic play, 186
bestowed office, 47
book illustrations, ‘Sculptures’,
company contract, 183
Conquest of China, The (1676), 202
died in poverty, 187
downfall, 55
Empress of Morocco, The (1673), , 178
generationality, 195
gentility, 174
ridiculed by contemporaries, 181
scorn, writing for money, 181
World in the Moon, The, 116
Shadwell, Thomas, 45, 134, 166, 173, 175, 176, 178, 179, 181, 194, 240
Bury Fair (1689), 234
Humorists, The (1671), 240
Libertine, The (1676), 136
poems, 181
Psyche (1675), 84,
Royal Shepherdess, The (1669), 130
Squire of Alsatia, The (1688), 186
Sullen Lovers, The (1668), 41
supporting other playwrights, 198
True Widow, A (1678), 151
Virtuoso, The (1676), 135
She Would If She Could (1668), 122
Shipman, Thomas, 236
Sicilian Usurper, The (1680), 175
Sir Anthony Love (1690), 240
Sir Salomon (1671), 41
Skipworth, Thomas, 216
Soldier’s Fortune, The (1681), 92
Songs to The New Play of Don Quixote, The (1694), 153
Southerne, Thomas, 174, 178, 179
frequented coffeehouses, 134
interceded, William Congreve, 198
John Dryden as mentor, 197
Maid’s Last Prayer, The (1693), 127
Oronooko (1695), 85,
praise for actors,
resentment, music and dance, 153
respected Elizabeth Barry, 241
Sir Anthony Love (1690), 240
supported actors, 240
Wives’ Excuse, The, or, Cuckolds make Themselves (1694), , 209
Squire of Alsatia, The (1688), 186
Sr William D’avenant’s Voyage to the Other World (1668), 67
Sullen Lovers, The (1668), 41
Tarugo’s Wiles, or, The Coffee House (1668), , 164
Tate, Nahum, 175
theatre, as spectacle,
Thébaïde, La (1664), 87
Torelli, Giacomo, 118
Tragedy of Nero, The, Emperor of Rome (1674), 175
True Widow, A (1678), 151