access to decision-making, , , , 258
affectedness, 5
All-Subjected Principle and,
climate change and,
equities and equalities and,
expanded domain of, 96
proportional inclusion and, 46, ,
tracking of power and, 14
African Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Partnerships (ACHAP),
All-Affected Interests Principle (AAIP),
All-Affected Principle (AAP)
affected outsiders and,
boundary problem and, , ,
challenges to, , ,
citizen powers as vectors of,
Common Activities Principle and,
conceptual challenges to,
constituencies of inclusion and,
democratic ideals and,
democratic input, delimitation of,
indeterminacy problem and,
justification of interests and,
Kant’s categorical imperative and,
normative interpretations of, , , 177
objections to,
overinclusiveness issue and, , ,
pluralistic account of,
political inclusion and, 177
types of,
All-Considered Principle,
All-Subjected Principle (ASP), 44, , ,
boundary problem and, ,
complaints about,
deterritorializing equal freedom and,
drawbacks of, 163
expanded polity and, 27
in democratic theory,
interdependency and,
problems with, 57, ,
social justice and, 46
voting enfranchisement, 44
voting enfranchisement and, 27, ,
Althusius, Johannes, 30
Anderson, Elizabeth, 10
Aristotle, 45
Arrhenius, Gustaf, 128
associative governance,
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, , , 252
Bosniak, Linda, 232
boundaries and boundary problem
Affinity Principle and, 134
All-Affected Principle and, , ,
All-Subjected Principle and, ,
alternative principles for establishing, ,
asymmetries, remedies for,
background, , 58
determination of, , , 153
of economic institutions, 165
global interdependence and, , 72
of membership, , , 261
Milliken v. Bradley and,
Proximity Principle and,
scope of jurisdiction and,
undemocratic exclusion and,
Bracton, Henry, 213,
Brettschneider, Corey, 129
Brighouse, Harry, 46
Broome, John, 218
Brutus, Stephanus Junius (possibly Philippe du Plessis),
Carens, Joseph H., 9
climate change
All-Subjected Principle and, 77
atmosphere as global commons, 215
democratic deficits of global structures and, , 73
global carbon budget and,
institutional mechanisms of representation and,
social justice and, ,
Stephenson on, 1
unjust harm and,
Coase, Ronald, 24
Codex (Justinian), 2
Cole, Luke, 220
collective bargaining and unions,
Common Activities Principle, 164, 174
All-Affected Principle and, , , 174
collective bargaining and, 172
corporate firms and,
equal positive freedom and,
community engagement, 52
complete markets, 207
constituent power, 8, 73
as collective democratic agency, 73,
defined, 8
democratic legitimacy and, 86
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes, 187
COVID-19 pandemic, 2
Dahl, Robert A., , 9, 16, 143, , 263
polyarchy and, 16
proportionality and,
voting enfranchisement and,
decentralization, , 48
decision-making processes
access to, , , , 258
asymmetric power relationships and, ,
background conditions for, , ,
collective self-determination and, ,
decision-making structures and, , 153
democratic deficits in,
democratic, implications of,
global democracy and,
influence over,
labor and, ,
moral dimensions of,
oversights in, 65
philanthropic organizations and, 247
Proximity Principle and, 188
social justice organizations and,
structures of, , 153
tracking power in, ,
universal inclusion in, 180
democracy and democratic inclusion, 27, See also global democracy; decision-making processes; voting enfranchisement
alternative formulas for, ,
constituencies of,
domination and,
economic, 11
expanded polity and, 27,
global interdependence and,
ideal, 48
nation-state supremacy and, 3
pluralist institutional approach to, 178,
political empowerment and, , 232
‘real’ governance practices and, 181
‘realist’ normative conception of, 177
self-determination and,
social justice and, , 53
state-centered, 53,
as ultimate value, ,
democratic equities vs. equalities, ,
democratic legitimacy
Affected Interests Principle, 74
All Subjected Principle and, 75
All-Affected Interests Principle and, 74
collective political agency and, 8,
constitutive requirements of, 65
democratic agency and,
preconditions of, 96
territorial boundedness and,
All-Affected Principle and, 38,
All-Subjected Principle and, 44
collective political agency and, 186
demands for, 7
governance-driven, 51
social power and, 146
unjust collective political agendas and, 190
demos/demoi, 81
All-Affected Principle and, 153
boundaries and boundary problem and, 22
citizenship and, 75
collective agency and, 81
global, 43,
self-governing, 77
unbounded, 123
desegregation, , 239
Dewey, John, 45
Dicey, A.V., 21
domination, 8,
All-Subjected Principle and,
climate change and, 220
empowerment of workers versus, 170
labor rights and, 168
self-determination and,
systemic relations of, 231, ,
Donellus, Hugo,
Dworkin, Ronald, 129
economic power,
Edbuild, 237
Einstein, Albert, 26
embeddedness of effects,
empowerment, democratic, 42, 46,
collective agency and, 42,
democratic equalities and, 40
influence over rule-making processes and, 185
institutional collaboration and, 189
proportional, 46
‘realist’ account of,
social justice and, 46
state-centered, 84
workers, 170
empowerment, political
All-Affected Principle and,
democracy and democratic inclusion and, , 232
sites of affectedness and,
equities vs. equalities, , ,
Extinction Rebellion, 2
Farrell, Caroline, 220
Fleurbaey, Marc, 46
Foreign Direct Investment, 172
Fraser, Nancy, 75
Fricker, Miranda, 144
Frug, Gerald,
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 10
Global Carbon Project,
global democracy
All-Affected Principle, as outcome of,
alternatives to, 106
collective autonomy rights and, 96
self-determination and,
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria,
global governance institutions,
alternative institutional sites of, 189
democratic deficit in,
Human Rights Impact Assessments/INGOs and, 168
institutional pluralism and,
‘real’ governance practices and, 181
global governance order, 192
global interdependence
All-Affected Principle and, 96
as ‘action’ at a ‘distance’, 26
boundary problem and,
democracy and democratic inclusion and,
substantive and procedural justification and, 96
Goodin, Robert E., 5, 43, 59, 163, 180, 217
All-Affected Principle, 5
human interaction vs. Proximity Principle, 7
scope of affected, limitations on, 217
tracking human interaction vs. proximity principle, 7
voting enfranchisement, 4
governance practices
community engagement and, 52
democracy and democratic inclusion and, 181
single issue jurisdictions, 52
stakeholder engagement and, 52
governance, transformations of, 52
Gray, Sean W. D., 5,
Great Reform Act (1832), 21
Grosse Pointe (Detroit, MI), 237,
immigrants and immigration
access to citizenship and,
All-Affected Principle and, , 116,
boundaries problem and, 144
irregular migrants as,
legal rights of,
open borders and,
overview, 9
refugees as,
selection and exclusion of,
temporary workers as,
inclusion, democratic, , , See also undemocratic exclusion
constituencies of,
democratic equities and,
proportional affectedness and,
Indignados (Spain), 2
INGOs, 168, ,
institutional sites
of democratic inclusion,
interdependence. See boundaries and boundary problems; democracy and democratic inclusion; global interdependence; political agency
International Finance Corporation Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (IFC-CAO), 184
International Labor Organization (ILO), 171
international non-governmental organizations (INGOs). See also philanthropic organizations; social justice organizations
All-Affected Principle and,
global governance institutions and, 168
inclusive vs. exclusive faces of,
outsider elites and,
social justice organizations and,
undemocratic tendencies of,
James, Susan, 216
Jefferson, Thomas, 45
jurisdictional authority
single issue, 52
justice. See also racial injustice; social justice
climate change and, ,
labor rights and, 167
philanthropic organizations and,
La Vía Campesina, 86
labor rights. See also economic democracy
access to decision-making and,
All-Affected Principle and, ,
background, 161
democratic rights of participation and, 162
International Labor Organization, 171
justice and, 167
living wage and,
structural transformation and, 174
transnational borders and, 172
uncompensated work and, 173
unions and collective bargaining and, , 208
worker management of firms and, 170
Law of the Constitution (Dicey), 21
Lee, Daniel, , 212
Locke, John, 6
Mansbridge, Jane, , 84
Markell, Patchen, 65
market institutions, 207
Marx, Karl,
McKinnon, Catriona,
Mill, Charles, 235
Mill, J.S, 146
Miller, David, 233
Milliken v. Bradley,
Montanaro, Laura, 51
Nagel, Thomas, 181
Näsström, Sofia, 74
nation-state supremacy
All-Subjected Principle and,
democracy and, 3
early modern period of, 38
versus polyarchy,
nation-state supremacy vs. polyarchy,
Navajo Nation, 96
nondomination, , ,
norms, cultural, 145
Nozick, Robert, 43, , ,
Parent-Teacher Associations, 4
Paris Accords, 41
Perry, Tomer J., 10
philanthropic organizations. See also international non-governmental organizations (INGOs); social justice organizations
All-Affected Principle and, 246,
beneficiary access to decision-making and, , , 258
decision-making processes and, 247
justice and,
paternalism and, 256
‘point voting’,
political agency, 11
democratic legitimacy and, 8,
empowered collective, ,
social and material interdependence and,
political communities,
political institutions
All-Affected Principle and, 249
control of, 103
‘realist’ political theories and, 191
self-determination and, 103
social power and, , 149
voting and, 150
political legitimacy,
political value judgments,
polity, expanded,
popular sovereignty, 73
bounded political communities and, 73,
history of, 212
Rousseauean/Kantian tradition of,
power. See also power versus effects; social power
constituent, 148
defined, 83
dimensions of,
distribution of,
social, , 150
social processes productive of,
structural, 243
suprastate political, 75
power relationships, asymmetric, , , , 149
Proximity Principle
‘action at a distance’ and,
background, 22
consequentialistic concerns and,
decision-making processes and, 188
efficiency argument and,
Goodin on, 7
mutual interest and, 24
public equality, , 103
racial injustice, , 271, See also Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ); Thousand Currents (organization)
asymmetric power relationships and, 149
decision-making processes and, , 239
Federal Housing Authority and,
outsider elites and,
structural conditions leading to,
structural power leading to,
Reich, Rob, 6,
Rosanvallon, Pierre, 47
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), 184
Rubinelli, Lucia, 81
Saunders-Hastings, Emma, 6,
Saward, Michael, 51
Schattschneider, E.E., 239
Schmitt, Carl, 81
Schweickart, David, 170
self-determination, 7, , 63,
All-Affected Principle and,
collective political action and, 100
collectivities’ right to, 242
Dahl on, 57
democracy and democratic inclusion and, 178
expansive demoi and, 43
global democracy and,
immigration and, 111
social justice and,
summary of, 8
affected interests and, 93
All-Affected Principle and,
human rights fulfillment and, 166
influence over decision-making and, 5
social justice and,
Sewell, William, 239
Shapiro, Ian, , 74
Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ)(advocacy INGO),
Simon, Herbert A., 24
Smith, Adam, 199
social justice
All-Affected Principle and, ,
-based interests,
defined, 40
democracy and, , 53
labor rights and, 167
‘non-ideal’ theory of, 190
organizations, , , See also international non-governmental organizations; philanthropic organizations
social power,
All-Affected Principle and, 151
equal opportunity and, 201
operations of, 150
political justice and,
social institutions and, 149
social processes and,
Solidaire Network,
stakeholder engagement, 52
co-determination by, , 188
community engagement and, 52
multinational supply chains and, 11
political inclusion of, 187
theory of, 166
usurpation, 66
states as political communities,
Stephenson, Neal, 1
Stewart, Justice Potter, 238
structural power
affectedness patterns and, 14
All-Affected Principle and,
institutional decision-making versus, 161
political responsibility and, 240
racial injustice and,
Sunrise (movement), 2
suprastate political power, 75
Termination Shock (Stephenson), 1
territorial states, 73
Thompson, Dennis F., 222
Thousand Currents, 271
Thousand Currents (organization),
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 45
U.S. Federal Housing Administration (FHA),
U.S. presidential election (2016),
U.S. Supreme Court, 129,
Ulpian, D., 212
unions and collective bargaining, , 208
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 86
Universal Declaration (1948), 171
value judgments (political),
Vancouver Coastal Health, 52