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> Quantum Mechanics

Quantum Mechanics


Arjun Berera, University of Edinburgh, Luigi Del Debbio, University of Edinburgh
Published 2021


Designed for a two-semester advanced undergraduate or graduate level course, this distinctive and modern textbook provides students with the physical intuition and mathematical skills to tackle even complex problems in quantum mechanics with ease and fluency. Beginning with a detailed introduction to quantum states and Dirac notation, the book then develops the overarching theoretical framework of quantum mechanics, before explaining physical quantum mechanical properties such as angular momentum and spin. Symmetries and groups in quantum mechanics, important components of current…

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Key features

  • Dirac notation is introduced from the beginning, giving students a solid basis for more advanced courses on the subject
  • Includes detailed chapters on quantum entanglement and group theory in quantum mechanics, two of the most important topics in modern research
  • Numerous exercises allow students to reinforce their understanding of key concepts, while lecture slides and a fully worked solutions manual are available for instructors

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