, Published by Cambridge University Press in association with the European Microwave Association, 01 September 2023.
The authors regret that the above article was published with errors in Fig. 4(a) (p. 3) and Fig. 7 (p. 5), reprinted correctly below:

Figure 4. (a) Radiation efficiency, total efficiency, and (b) realized gain of the proposed planar wideband antenna.

Figure 7. Reflection coefficient of the proposed metasurface.
The change in Fig. 7 should be accompanied by a change in the body text on pp. 4–5, as well as the change in figure caption above. The sentence was originally published as “The simulated S-parameters of the proposed metasurface are depicted in Fig. 7.” This should have been “The simulated reflection coefficient of the proposed metasurface in terms of co-polarized and cross-polarized components is shown in Fig. 7.”